{ Chapter 53 }

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The morning sun peeked through the curtains and awoke you from your slumber. You needed to get something done today and couldn't do it without the help of Snape. You gently turned towards Severus and began softly combing his dark locks with your fingers until he stirred.

" It's too early darling."

He grumbled, pulling you into his chest by your waist and continuing to sleep soundly.

" As much as that morning voice of yours does things to me, it doesn't mean I will listen to it when we have more important things to do."

You giggled, tenderly unwrapping his arms from around you and kissing his forehead sweetly.

" More important things? Such as..."

He mumbled, covering his face from the sun with his arms. You got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, freshening yourself up and getting dressed before turning your attention back to your sleepy boyfriend.

" Meet me downstairs Sev, I'll make breakfast and we can talk about it over the table."

" But I must make breakfast darling, I can't have my beautiful little witch doing that."

He argued.

" I will make breakfast, I owe it from what you did for me yesterday. Just make sure you are downstairs and ready soon, okay?"

You asked, pressing a soft kiss onto his lips before going to leave the room.

" Okay...this means I get extra cuddles later then."

He demanded. You partly walked out of the door before rapidly doubling back.

" Extra cuddles...Is my Sev turning into a softie?!"

You exclaimed.

" I am no such thing."

Snape snapped back.

" Who am I kidding? You always were with me."

You left the room and headed down to the kitchen. Once you got there you immediately began to make pancakes, big fluffy ones that you knew would taste delicious.

" I am not a softie."

Snape playfully huffed as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing your waist from behind and kissing your neck.

" Whatever you say Sev, now sit down. I'm almost ready!"

You squealed excitedly, your pancakes were turning out brilliantly. After you had plated up your pancakes, you brought them over to the table, watching Snape's eyes widen as he saw a breakfast fit for a literal king placed in front of him.

" Merlin Y/N, you have outdone yourself."

He praised, causing you to smile proudly.

" What can I say? I'm a witch of many talents."

You replied, starting to dig into your first warm pancake. You thought to yourself for a moment before finally telling Snape what you needed his help with. It was a bit of an ambitious task, but knew it could help in the long run.

" Sev..."

" Yes princess."

He replied, cutting into his pancake and smiling at the pleasant taste.

Woah, princess?... I like it.

" Oh...yes um, I know it's only four days now until we face Jasmine, but I want you to teach me how to apparate."

Snape paused his movements.

" Apparate? Darling that took me years to master."

" I'm not wanting to master it, I'm wanting to learn it incase I need to get myself or someone else out of trouble. It could be an advantage!"

Snape thought to himself for another moment, eating the rest of his pancakes and rubbing your arm lovingly as he stacked both of your plates in the kitchen.

" Okay, we can try. But promise me you won't get frustrated if you can't do it immediately."

" I promise...now let's go! We can start now, come on Sev!"

You grabbed his arm and dragged him into the back garden so nobody else, potentially a muggle, could see. He couldn't help but chuckle at your enthusiasm as you held him tightly, practically begging to be taught.

" Never once have I seen you so eager to learn Miss L/N."

Snape mocked in his teacher voice, transporting you right back to your lessons at Hogwarts.

" To apparate you need to focus your mind on a specific place, concentrate on the location and feel the spell through your body. It's illegal to apparate without a licence, but your abilities will remain a secret if and when you get them. Understood Gryffindor?"

Haven't been called Gryffindor in a while.

'Professor' Snape is a lot different to your well acquainted 'lover' Snape. A part of you forgot how intimidating he could really be.

" Yes sir."

You replied without even thinking.

" Good-Now we will start slow. See over there at the other end of the garden? Focus on that and transport, a little jump may help."

He added. You saw the other end of the garden and took a mental picture. You closed your eyes and focused hard on it before opening your eyes again and jumping slightly. Before you knew it, after a very loud cracking sound, you were on the other end of the garden. Your head was spinning and you felt a bit sick but the feeling soon passed and was replaced with complete excitement.

" I did it! Sev, did you see me?"

Snape apparated over to you with hardly a sound, so swiftly that you barely noticed he was stood directly behind you.

" I saw darling, not bad at all."

He whispered closely into your ear, making you jump and giggle.

" How do you do it so silently though?"

You whined.

" That my love...takes years of practice."

He hummed, sweeping you up into his grip and littering you with kisses. You flailed playfully as the kisses tickled your body, continuing until you and Snape were a laughing, kissing pile on the grass. You were sat on top of him and he was underneath you, holding your hips close and pulling you down for yet another kiss. Suddenly you shot up from your position on him and stood up confidently, maybe a little too confidently.

" I think I'm going to apparate up to the... bedroom."

You purred seductively. Snape stood himself up again, walking towards you and caressing your waist.

" I can apparate us both there my needy girl, you must remember that you are simply a beginner."

He hummed down your neck, kissing the sweet spot just below your ear.

" No, I can do it."

You demand, standing back from Snape's grip and imagining the bedroom in your mind, preparing to apparate there.

" Y/N, stop!"

Snape demanded. You jumped and was met with the same loud crack, but something wasn't right at all .


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