dear diary - daffodils, buttercups and forget-me-nots

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as a way to apologise to larry i wanted to give him flowers, for valentines day. i don't know if it was in a loving way or not but i still wanted to give him something as a sorry. i remembered what his favourite flowers were, and i knew they didn't do bouquets of them. forget me nots. so i would have to go out and pick them myself.

i can't believe i've changed so much after meeting larry. it's almost like i'm so much more comfortable with myself and my life. the feelings i have for him are becoming more than just a simple crush type thing, and i'm scared of what it'll be in the future.

i went back to the forest me and larry had gone too, full of flowers and plants. i never knew forget me nots would be so small. luckily i knew what they looked like so i started to gather them, bunching them up in my hands. i continued to grab each flower from the root, soon making a big enough bouquet that i had to hold it with both hands. i swear there were thousands of flowers in the bunch.

i decided to add a few other plants like ivy and ferns to bring it together, and honestly the bouquet looked gorgeous. i would be happy if i received this. all the flowers were mostly a sky blue, some being paler or almost purple. i tied the flowers together with some stems as i had nothing else to use. valentine's day was tomorrow, so i had to hide them and keep them alive until then.

when i walked over to larry's apartment, i tried my best to avoid any glimpse of larry or any of his friends since i didn't want to spoil the surprise. somehow i would've had to hide them in larry's apartment without larry seeing them, which would've been very difficult since larry would've been home.

"is larry home?"
lisa shook her head, smiling at the flowers.
"no. not at the moment. who are the flowers for?"
i held them tightly, sweating under the pressure. but luckily, larry wasn't home so this would be a lot easier.
"they're for larry. for valentine's day."
she raised her eyebrows and put her cup down.
"are you his boyfriend?"
"oh uh.. not right now.
she smiled, looking almost hysteric.
"are you going to ask him tomorrow?
i shrugged and avoided her gaze out of awkwardness.
"can you hide these somewhere? away from larry until tomorrow?"
she nodded and took them, picking up one of the vases from the cupboard. why did she have so many vases?

she filled it with water, putting in the flowers and walking into her room, putting it on the floor of her closet that was small compared to larry's.
"he won't find these. don't worry. will you come here tomorrow to give them to him?"
the way she spoke was almost in very formal english, very different to larry's speaking despite them understanding english to the same level. they had a very different accent, larry's mom sounding more italian or spanish and larry sounding unmistakably german.

"yeah, i'll come after school."
when i finished my sentence, larry walked in the door. before i could turn around to look at him, he ran back out again.
"mom can you come here?"
she hummed in confusion and walked out, closing the door behind her. after around 2 minutes of awkwardness and hearing them mumbling through the door, lisa stepped back in.
"travis, can you just go into larry's room for a few minutes?"
i didn't question it and i walked in, assuming it was to do with larry's mental health or something along the lines of that. as i sat on larry's bed, i felt the blanket underneath my hands and i stroked it with my fingers. the entirety of larry's bed was full of blankets and soft pillows. he also had a big thick blanket ontop of them all. i looked around his room, noticing something on his easel. it was a painting of two people, one sitting on the ground and the other sat beside them, holding a bunch of flowers. the people weren't completed, but i could easily tell who the painting was of.

my mom had put the flowers i gave her into a vase. i had found a bunch of daffodils in a random field i had ran off to. they were bright and beautiful, and they all looked big and perfect. i had picked some, and stashed them in the palm of my hands. i stuffed a few buttercups in there too, letting them sit in between the flowers. i eventually found my way back to the apartment, taking them back for an obvious day that was tomorrow. i never expected to see travis in my house when i got back, making it extremely difficult to hide them.

when travis went into my room, my mom put them on a shelf in her room, which travis obviously wouldn't go into. luckily the day was coming to an end soon so i wouldn't have to hide them for long, but i also had to work a lot quicker on the painting i had made. it would take at least 2 days, but i didn't have enough time for that. i opened my bedroom door, to travis sitting on my bed and looking at me blankly, before smiling when he knew it was me.

"hi larry, i like your hair."
he pointed to my forehead, smiling once more. i was flattered, until i realised my bangs had fallen into my eyes and were now visible.
"ugh, thank you."
i realised after how horrible that sounded.
"sorry! that wasn't directed at you, i just don't like my bangs."
he walked over to me, admiring my hair. i hadn't been paying attention to anything but his face, so i didn't expect or notice his hand move to my forehead and pull them back to my forehead.
"i really like them. they suit you a lot."
i smiled, patting them down on my forehead.
"thank you."

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