83) Get Brother Trapped

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-Tim POV- 

It had been a long few weeks. School started the following week, but it didn't feel real. No one in the family was really talking. Meals, when they were eaten together, were silent. Jason spent so many nights in his safe houses that he had basically moved out. Nico spent most of his time at Will's apartment or at CJ with his sister and friends. It felt like they had undone all the progress they had made as a family since Nico had joined. They hadn't even had a Be Normal Day™️  in the last 2 months and the media was starting to notice. For the first time in a long time, the gossip columns were right on the nose when they theorized about the brothers being in a fight.

Tim was about to head down to the cave when he got a text from Jason in the brothers group chat.

⚰️: no one panic, but I just got shot.

Immediately Tim panicked.

⚰️: I'm at my safe house in the East End. Don't come in suits.

Tim shoved his feet in the first pair of shoes he could find and sprinted to the car. When he got there, Damian was already behind the wheel. Tim wanted to fight him over the fact that he was 13 and couldn't legally drive, but he just got in the passenger seat before his little brother sped away.

The drive usually took 15 minutes... they got there in 5. They pulled into a parking spot and rushed out of the car, running into Dick at the door to the building before the trio rushed in. They expected to see Jason bleeding out on the ground. Instead, they were met with a different sight.

"You can just tell us you were shot because you wanted to get us together!" Nico yelled in Italian. "That is so fucking messed up!"

"What's going on?" Dick asked, saying what they were all wondering.

Jason just smirked. "Welcome to Be Normal Day™️."

Damian turned to leave, but Dick stopped him.

"Jason, we don't have time-"

"Shut up, Replacement." Jason walked over to the closest and grabbed the spare clothes that Bruce had stashed in the safe houses for each of them and threw a set and Tim and Damian who were both in sweat pants. "You are all acting like assholes and I'm done with it. I'm tired of being the only rational one in the family. You guys need to get your shit together."

Nico ran a hand through his hair. "I was supposed to meet up with Will. I didn't even text him that I would be late. He's probably waiting for-"

The door to the bedroom opened and Will stepped out. "Surprise?"

Nico gapped at him. "You were in on this?!"

Tim, Dick, and Damian began to laugh until Kon, Wally, and Jon also stepped out of the room.

"Traitor!" Damian and Tim said at the same time.

Dick's eyes were wide. "Jay, how did you-"

Jason rolled his eyes. "Oh please, I've known for the past 2 weeks. You two aren't subtle."

Nico's head whipped over to look between Dick and Wally. "You two finally got together and didn't tell me?!"

Dick crossed his arms. "You've been refusing to speak to me, so why should I've told you?"

Nico just scoffed. "You've been going off on your own and refusing to let me help, despite the fact that we have literally the same goal, so I think I'm more than reasonable for not speaking to you— but you and Wally finally getting together is a big deal. I thought you would have told me, you asshole."

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