53) If You Peak in a Language No One Knows, You're Extra Cool

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A/N: finally a chapter that actually meets my work count goals 

-Tim POV-

Nico was helping M'gann make Lunch for the group while everyone else hung out in the kitchen and the attached living area.

"You two sure you don't need any help?" Tim asked as Kon sat down next to him at the island.

M'gann just waved him off. "We're fine. It's almost ready."

Tim hummed in acknowledgment as he watched Nico chop ingredients. He really did just get in the zone while he cooked.

Megan levitated the pot of sauce from the stove, moving it to the counter next to Nico right as the boy turned around. His shoulder clipped the side of the pot, spilling some of the scalding liquid onto himself. The searing sauce clung onto his shirt, burning him as he cursed and pulled the shirt over his head.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," Megan explained setting the pot down and grabbing a towel. She gave it to the teen who just waved her off.

"You're fine. I wasn't paying attention, it's my fault," he said as he wiped his chest with the towel, removing the sauce from his skin that had seeped through.

"You okay?" Tim asked, standing up to look at where he had been burned. "It doesn't look too bad, but you still might want to take some stuff to heal it."

Nico shook his head. "Already maxed for the day," he said before turning to pick up his shirt that he had thrown on the ground.

As Nico turned away from them, it felt like all the air left the room. Everyone had stopped what they were doing when they heard Megan apologize, but now Nico's entire back was on full display.

Tim froze. He had seen Nico's scars a few times before the incident, most of the team had, but none of them had seen it after Black Mask. The only ones in their family that had actually seen it were Jason and Alfred, and that was only because he couldn't change his wrappings himself. The scars were jagged, over-healed slashes that covered his back. The only way to describe it was mangled.

As the teens stood back up, examining the shirt, he turned around and noticed the look on everyone's faces. He looked confused for a moment before realization dawned on him and he took in a sharp breath.

Kon was the first to snap out of his shock as he stood up and grabbed his backpack from beside the kitchen island. He opened it and grabbed a spare shirt, handing it to Nico.

"I always keep extras on me since mine always seem to get ruined," he said with a small smile, though his eyes still held a lingering look of horror.

Nico gave him a nod as he took it and slipped the shirt on. "Thanks," he muttered.

No one said anything for a long moment. The air was stationary as the sight they had just seen seemed to stick in their minds.

"M'gann, do you mind finishing cooking without me," he asked quietly, not looking at the girl.

The Martian shook herself from her shock after a moment and nodded. "Of course, it's no problem."

The teen nodded before looking to his sister and saying something in Latin, then swiftly leaving the room after he finished.

Tim and Dick made to follow him, but Hazel held up her hands to halt them. "He needs a minute."

"But-" Dick began to say, but Hazel cut him off.

"Give him a minute," she said, her voice leaving no room for negotiation. "What just happened was something out of a nightmare for him— like showing up to school with no pants on or whatever normal people are scared of. He doesn't need to talk about it. He doesn't need to be talked to about it. He'll come back when he's ready."

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