92) Misty Man Makes Misty Plan

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A/N: tis short, but I'm traveling so you gotta cope. 

Nico, despite quite literally every decision he made in life or death situations, considering himself pretty smart. He was good at thinking analytically, running scenarios, and making a plan... the only problem was that he wasn't that great at following  said plan.

The plan was for him and Virgil to enter through the vents of the building and find where they were keeping the meta teens. They were gonna wait for the night shift guards to take over and then sneak attack.

Keyword: 'were'

As soon as they were in position, prepared to wait a while to make their move, Nico's eyes caught on an angry man, stomping his way down the row of cells. Based off the way he was in a suit while everyone else was in a guard uniform, and also by the way all the guards looked away as he passed, Nico assumed he was the man in charge. He walked up to one of the cells and began yelling.

He was apparently mad at the kid for getting hurt and 'loosing him money' since she couldn't fight anymore. Nico tried his best to ignore it, but then the guy pulled out a gun.

Did Nico know it was stupid to attack a man with knives when he had a gun? Yes, yes he did. Did he still do it? Also yes.

Before Virgil could even hope to grab and stop him, Nico was stepping out of the shadow of the man. He went to grab the gun, but Nico forgot one crucial thing.

This was a meta-human training center. The man in charge: most likely meta.

The man somehow sensed him and was able to move his gun out of Nico's reach as he elbowed him away. The demigod briefly stumbled back, not expecting the impact, before the gun was pointed at him.

Nico stared down the barrel of the gun as the other guards surrounded him, training their own guns on him as well.

"The infamous Ghost King," the man in charge said with a dark laugh. "Or should I call you your highness?" He gave a mocking bow, his gun remaining trained on the demigod.

Nico remained silent, simply staring at the man stoically. He tried to assess the situation, but it wasn't looking too good for him. Despite being surrounded, no one's shadow was falling on him, so he couldn't escape. You could probably take down one or two of the guards before anyone could pull their trigger, but he was surrounded by 8 people.

"GK, do I move in?" Virgil's voice said through his comm.

Nico subtly shook his head, praying that Virgil noticed. He stared at the man, unflinching, before snapping his fingers. He was suddenly thankful for the lessons he took with Hazel before moving to Gotham.

He knew it worked when the man went from looking at him, to through him. His eyes scanned the room, gun at the ready, as he began barking orders at his men. Nico tried to stay as still as possible, not wanting to break his already weak hold on the mist, as the men scattered.

"Put the base on lock down!" The man yelled.

The man stormed down the hallway, the injured kid he was originally going to kill long forgotten. Nico looked to the cell and immediately made eye contact with the girl. She was looking at  him.

Nico glanced down the hallway, making sure no one was looking as he moved to the closest shadow and transported himself into the cell with the girl.

"Why were they saying you disappeared-"

Nico immediately put a finger to his lips. "I'll explain later, but for now, I need to get you all out."

The girl nodded.

The demigod clicked his comm and un muted himself. "Static, are the vents still a viable option for escape?"

"No." He replied, sounding like he was moving. "The hatches all sealed. I could probably shock the system to undo it, but it would most likely set off the alarm."

Nico cursed quietly. "Stand by," he said before muting himself and looking back to the girl. "How many metas are in this base?"

"Umm, I don't know. They train us in small groups."

"Do you know how many groups?"

The girl shook her head. "I'm group 7, so at least that many."

"How many are in your group?"

"Five, including me."

Nico wanted to set the fates on fire. Their intel led them to believe that this base has only 10-15 metas, not 35+. If it were 10, he could have just shadow travelled them out, but with this many... it wouldn't be possible. Plus, a base that big would mean more guards than anticipated.

Nico clicked his comm again after letting out a long breath. "Static, could you overload the entire system?"


"Could you shut this place down: lights, security, cameras, everything."

"I mean, yeah, but it'll give away-"

Nico cut him off. "Do it. I'll draw their focus while you get these kids out. There are over triple what I expected, so that most likely means triple the guards."

"We could call in-"

"There is no back up. All my teammates are on their own missions and we can't call in any Leaguers because no one would get here in time."

"The Bio Ship-"

"Can't cross the Atlantic and get here within the next 10 minutes," Nico said, his voice leaving no room to argue. "I'll make a distraction. When you feel the ground shake, that's your cue."

Virgil was quiet for a moment. "Understood."

Nico muted himself again and looked to the girl. "Are you able to walk?"

She nodded.

"Good. A guy is gonna come and get you all out. I need you to help him, okay? And if something happens to me, I need you to tell the League that you need to speak to Architect about the Mist. Understand?"

She nodded hesitantly. "I need to talk to Architect about the Mist."

Nico gave her a small smile before stepping into the shadows. This was gonna be messy. 

A/N: I am trying to write my ending for this story, so the next few chapters might be shorter so I can kinda buy myself some time. Just a warning lol

Vote. Comment. Tell me what you think the ending of this book will be (I kinda just love hearing your theories). 

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