95) Shots Fired

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A/N: back at it again with another short chapter, but I'm still just trying to give myself some more room between what I'm actively writing and the chapters I upload. hopefully I should be back to regular chapter lengths soon. 

Nico watched as the League plane took off. All things considered, the mission had gone pretty well.

"Time to call in local authorities?" Virgil asked.

Nico nodded, grabbing his arm and shadow traveling them back inside the compound. Virgil held back a nauseous groan as they landed in the hallway outside of the training room where he had all the guards tied up in.

"We just gotta make sure they're all still unconscious before we can hand them over and head back," Nico said as he pushed open the door.

You know those moments in your life where time moves slowly and you seem to see everything happening all at once? Yeah, this wasn't one of those moments.

Nico heard a bang from inside the room and immediately pulled Virgil behind one of the pillars in the room. He heard a clicking sound before an annoyed grunt and knew exactly what that meant.

"Looks like your clip is empty," Nico said before pulling out one of his knives and racing around the pillar, tackling the person who had fired.

Clone smirked up at him. "Looks like you're hit."

Nico slammed the man's head against the concrete, knocking him out again, before sitting back and examining himself.

"Oh shit," he muttered, suddenly understanding why his shoulder felt like it was on fire.

Virgil sprinted over to him and held pressure on his shoulder, causing Nico to hiss at the feeling. "Oh my god, I need to get you to a hospital!"

Nico ignored him, eyes scanning the room before grabbing his phone with his good arm and clicking a contacts.

"Hey, quick question for you," Nico said, probably a bit too casual for the situation he was in.

"What's up Neeks?" Dick asked. "Aren't you supposed to be on a mission?"

"I'm wrapping up now."

"Okay, I won't keep you then. What's your question?"

"Is it bad to leave my own blood at a crime scene?"

"Are you serious asking-" Virgil tried to say, but Nico just shushed him.

Dick let out an exasperated sigh. "No, you're fine."

"Cool, and quick follow up. Do you know someone who can remove a bullet?"


"My boyfriend is in the middle of his own mission, same with his sister, and I don't really wanna show up at camp with a bullet hole."

"Oh my gods!"

Nico hummed for a second. "Actually, it's fine. I'll figure it out."

Dick made a sound of protest, but Nico just hung up. He looked at Virgil and saw that the teen was staring at him in horror.


"There is something deeply  wrong with you," Virgil whispered, mostly to himself.

Nico just shrugged, before immediately regretting it. "I'm fine," he muttered before clicking his comm. "Hey, how are the other teams doing?"

"Most of them are still in the defend and evacuate portion of their missions. You guys only finished early because apparently you couldn't stick to the plan." Clicking was heard for a moment. "Riptide and Architect should be done soon though. They just sent a request to call in the League. Why?"

Nico glanced at his bleeding shoulder. "No reason."

Virgil clicked his comm, unmuting himself. "Not no reason! he was shot."

Nico punched Vigil in the shoulder. "Snitch."

"Oh my gods," Caly said, sounding exhausted. "I'm calling the infirmary. If you don't go there, I'll tell your boyfriend and he'll kill you himself."

Nico grumbled a 'fine' before hearing the police arrive. He motioned for Virgil to get ready before stepping into the shadows and reappearing back in the manor.

Jumping timezones was weird because it was midnight in Budapest, but it was only 6pm back in Gotham.

"Holy shit!" someone said as Nico stumbled a bit.

Nico motioned for Virgil to let go as he held pressure on his own shoulder. "I'll be back later. I gotta go get patched up," he said to Traci who had the unlucky experience of just happening to be in the foyer when they appeared.

Before the girl could even respond, Nico was back in the shadows. He stepped out of them and into the infirmary, his head spinning.

"Hey Austin," he said, back slowly sliding down the wall. "Long time no see."

Austin looked at him in surprise before immediately beginning to call out orders and running to Nico. The son of hades just closed his eyes. It had been a long day and gods knew that he was in for the lecture of his life when he woke up. 

A/N: My mans is shot

Vote. Comment. Tell me what you think my next pic will be (I currently plan to make this the last book for the Demigod in Gotham Series, but I might do a mini like 'one shot' book just for if I have any funny ideas for the duologue that wouldn't be enough for the third book) 

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