96) Alfred Superiority

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A/N: to make up for this being late, tis long

-Tim POV- 

They were all sitting at the breakfast table when Nico stepped out of the shadows.

"Nico!" Dick said, standing from his seat and crossing the room to look over their little brother. "Are you okay? What did Austin say? Have you called-"

Nico cut him off. "I'm fine. They healed me as much as they could and sent me on my way. The only reason they made me spend the night was because they didn't want to get murdered by my boyfriend for letting me leave too soon."

"Why is your arm in a cast? You were shot in the shoulder."

Nico looked to Virgil and replied. "It's easier to say I fractured my arm and that's why I need a sling, rather than attempt to explain a gun shot wound. Granted, I'll probably have to wear this fake cast and sling to school for a few weeks after I'm fully healed to keep up the act, but I can't really move my arm right now, so theirs no way around it."

Tim nodded. "Smart call."

The YJ heroes looked at Tim like he was crazy, but everyone else moved on.

"I'll go get changed then we can be on our way," Nico said, heading towards the door.

"Wait, you're going to school?!" Cissie said, truly shocked.

Tim raised an eyebrow at her. "Why wouldn't he?"

"I don't know, maybe because he was shot yesterday?! That's kinda a major thing!"

Dick shrugged. "I mean, yeah I guess, but the world doesn't stop turning."

Jason nodded. "He lost a limb and was only gone for a few months— that was a big deal— but he's fine."

Nico gave a thumbs up and left the room.

Virgil looked to the remaining brothers. "You're all really okay with the fact that he was shot?"

"I mean, no," Tim said, trying to figure out a way to explain it. "We hate that he is in pain, but it also already happened. We can't change the past, and if he says he's okay to go to school, then we just gotta trust him."

"DiAngelo is stubborn," Damian added. "If we tried to stop him from going, it would only cause a fight and he would probably still go anyways. By supporting his decisions, it means that he will reach out to us if he needs help, rather than pushing away his own feelings in order to 'prove something'."

"Exactly. We would much rather Nico call us for help after doing something stupid, rather than try to hide that he needs help because he doesn't want to admit he was wrong," Dick said with a shrug, standing up from the table. "I'm driving the boys to school and then I'll be back."

"I'm going too," Jason added, standing up as well. 

"Don't we need to go with them to keep them safe?" Cissie asked.

Tim shook his head. "We have two Superboys, the new Kid Flash, and Wonder Girl— I think we'll be fine."

Virgil looked at them in surprise. "They all go to Gotham Academy? None of them even live in Gotham."

Tim just shrugged. "Bruce paid for them transfer. He wanted to ensure our safety at all times, and school was kinda one of the few places he couldn't do that, so he made a deal. They all get to be Wayne Scholars and we get protection in case of an attack."

Nico reentered the room, backpack hung over his good shoulder, before he nodded to the group. "Come on, we'll be late and I told Tiffany that I would help her with her German homework."

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