Ch 203 - 204

703 17 0

C203: The man is quick on his feet.

Just now, Ninth Sister-in-Law said that much of the food they brought back today was bought from the foreigners, and they were all things the sisters-in-law had never seen before.

Seeing so many delicious ingredients, the gluttonous Eighth Sister-in-Law was the most enthusiastic.

"Ninth Sister-in-Law, tell us what we should make for dinner tonight. Let's get started right away."

Old Lady Mo also agreed with Eighth Sister-in-Law's words: "Yes, let He'Shi decide the menu. You all can help them prepare."

She had already seen that this ninth daughter-in-law was skilled at whatever she did.

If the task was left to the other sisters-in-law, such good ingredients would likely end up wasted.

According to He Zhiran's understanding, hot pot had not yet become popular during this period. Of course she would not leave the preparation of this novel dish that no one had tried before to anyone else.

He Zhiran first went into the storage room, and picked out some suitable beef, mutton, pork, chicken and some offal.

The offal had already been cleaned in her personal space. Currently they only needed to cut the ingredients into pieces.

He Zhiran did not need to do this herself. She could leave this task to her sisters-in-law.

Although there were many ingredients to prepare, there were also many sisters-in-law. With everyone pitching in, it did not take long to get the ingredients ready.

The only green vegetable suitable for hot pot right now was cabbage, which happened to be He Zhiran's favorite.

Especially when the cooked cabbage had absorbed the red oil - dipping it into the tasty sauces was simply a delightful experience.

The potatoes and sweet potatoes they brought back today could also be used as ingredients. This would let the family try these two kinds of produce.

After handing over the tasks to her sisters-in-law, He Zhiran took out the seafood she had bought from the fishermen's village earlier.

Lobsters were not suitable for hot pot, but shrimp were perfectly fine and tasted great too.

Therefore, He Zhiran divided the shrimp into two portions. One was for the hot pot, the other for cooking Sichuan style sautéed shrimp.

As for the lobsters, she kept a few for tonight’s meal, and put the rest into her personal space to preserve freshness.

As a side dish to go with the hot pot, He Zhiran felt there was no need to make things too complicated. Hence, she decided to steam garlic lobster.

After getting all the ingredients ready, she deliberately walked into the carriage compartment in full view of everyone.

Pretending to rummage through the storage cabinet inside, her consciousness had already entered her personal space.

She opened Taobao Treasure Trove and purchased a large jar of sesame paste, scallion flower sauce and fermented tofu.

Then she quickly changed the packaging of these seasonings to match this ancient time period.

In truth, there were many options for hot pot dipping sauces, like the seafood sauce, fragrant oil and oyster sauce she often had in her past life.

The reason why He Zhiran chose sesame dipping sauce was mainly because she considered that these could all be produced locally.