Ch 313 - 314

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C313: Eagle with Golden Wings

He Zhiran could see that Rice Ball had completely conquered whatever was inside the cage, be it a pigeon or something else.

Not only that, the mysterious white creature kept nodding at Rice Ball.

Rice Ball was no longer so stiff now. It trotted over to its owner like it was showing off.

After He Zhiran calmed down the panda, she looked at the mysterious creature.

It looked no different than when she first saw it - still a well-behaved little white pigeon.

If not for Rice Ball bringing out its other side, He Zhiran might not have noticed anything unusual about it at all.

Now that Rice Ball had revealed its true nature, He Zhiran was naturally more wary.

She made sure to keep some distance from the cage as she observed it.

But to her surprise, the little thing in the cage started acting cute towards her.

Its little head bobbed up and down nonstop, and its wings flapped open and closed - clearly trying to curry favor.

He Zhiran was a little stunned.

She brought Rice Ball over and asked it, "Baby, did you tame it?"

The Rice Ball nodded its round head vigorously and made murmuring sounds.

Now He Zhiran could confirm that this mysterious creature had accepted her or the rice ball as its master.

And from her observations, it seemed more likely that it had chosen her as the master.

Because even though Rice Ball had been by her side for so long, the little thing hadn't so much as glanced at it.

Sure enough, as He Zhiran continued observing, the little thing started fluttering its wings at her again.

Compared to how it acted with Rice Ball, it was who knows how many times more gentle.

He Zhiran tentatively reached her hand towards the cage. The little thing became even more obedient.

Its snowy white body rubbed against the edge of the cage, as if inviting He Zhiran to pet it.

He Zhiran opened the cage according to the little thing's wishes.

The little thing immediately fluttered out and circled He Zhiran, chirping happily.

He Zhiran could now fully confirm it meant no harm to her, so she reached out her palm tentatively to pet it.

Seeing this, the little thing even leaned in towards her voluntarily.

He Zhiran stroked its head first, then slowly stroked its body.

The little thing seemed to love the feeling. It leaned towards her even more.

Taking the chance, He Zhiran slowly spread its wings open, wanting to take a look at the golden feathers inside.

The little thing cooperated fully, spreading its wings open for He Zhiran to see the single golden feather clearly.

In her past life, she had accidentally read a book mentioning a very rare snow sculpture. Its whole body was snowy white, but under its wings on both sides was one golden feather each.

People called this kind of snow sculpture the Golden Winged Roc.

But the Golden Winged Roc was massive in size. Even in its youth it couldn't be as small as the creature before her eyes.