(4)Tinted to Crimson

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"An asylum for angels..." 

Tinted to Crimson

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Tinted to Crimson

I found her quite easily.

News of Hecate's death travelled fast and the rumor of her mortal successor travelled even faster. It wasn't long before every one of my reapers knew exactly what had happened. 

The other gods and goddesses were thoroughly kept in the loop, but any information retaining to the cause of Hecate's death, remained secret. Even to me...

It didn't matter how many times I pressed Hades for answers or drove Poseidon mad with my theories, none of them would budge. Zeus kept his orders to the minimum, 'find the girl; test her.'

Of course, I knew exactly how to test her... 

Whoever the hell she was, was going to need some serious counselling after I was through with her. Or rather a very good undertaker. One that doesn't mind burying shredded limbs and with enough time on his hands; it might take a while to find all of her.

It sickened me. A mortal female. Since when were the gods reduced to accepting a measly germ into their circle? Could they not see the destruction and chaos these idiots caused, even craved? The killing, the lies and the infidelity that these creatures practiced every day? Fine, yes, I'm not one to talk, but I am the god of death. I'm the 'grim reaper', the angel of death, the end.

So what if I happen to slice a few heads for lunch. The souls are taken for a good cause; my diet. I'm a growing god. I need my protein. The only thing humans were good for was food. And they barely fulfilled that purpose. 

The souls of humans have grown so... revolting and so very vile. For a god, such as myself, the best and most satisfying soul to drain was that of a pure heart. A white soul. A luscious, innocent woman. It was so appetizing, yet so rare. Mortal woman are easy to get into bed, but so difficult to drain. Their flavour lessens every decade and I've grown sorely tired of having to seek out a good enough snack. 

At least there was some fun in all of this; I could hunt for a meal. Chasing down prey was always the best part. It's the fear of death in their eyes that just drives me wild.

That, and the begging...

The first night I'd planned on making this girl beg went differently than I'd wanted.

After I received word of her whereabouts from one of my reapers in Caneyville, a shit-hole of a place, I planned my first encounter. There were two scenarios...

I'd stumble upon her house. Ask to use her phone to call for a tow-truck or I'd ask to borrow some sugar. Something stupid and easy.

If, one, she was beautiful; I'd seduce her and have my way with her for a few hours. After I was thoroughly satisfied, I'd rip her tongue out and make her sign language her refusal for the offer to Zeus. If, two, she was ugly; I'd cut her fingers off with a blunt scissor and watch as she tries to politely tell Zeus how she couldn't possibly do any magic without complete hands.

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