(13)Scarlett Facades

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"So this is what it feels like to cheat death..."

Scarlett Façades

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Scarlett Façades

The house was beautiful, but messy. The smell was a mix of board wax, dirty socks and faded lavender. The stylish and yet humble decor was roughened up with pillows scattered all around the cozy livingroom. Beautiful, yes, but also disorganized as hell.

Gareth closed the door behind us while Pete walked up to the coffee table and picked up the TV remote. He switched it on while Trita and I stood by the entrance and looked around the place.

Chris stopped beside me with a cautious smile. It seems he couldn't fathom why I kept ducking away from his touch. Even if I took a black marker and wrote 'leave me alone' on the wall in capital letters I'm pretty sure he'd still just think that my 'playing hard to get' was a tad dramatic.

Seriously, the guy couldn't take a hint.

Poor Trita was having difficulty pushing Gareth away as well. His flirting was atrocious and not to mention absolutely over-the-top. Ever heard of desperate? Just take a look at the green-eyed surfer asking my best friend whether or not she wants to share a smoothie, since he's making a glass and couldn't possible drink one on his own.

Yeah, because he's bloody five...

He can't even stomach rejection, never mind a smoothie.

Just calm down...

I kept repeating in my head, over and over, but the thought never really took effect. Not while Chris was trying really hard to get me to play 'Wii sports' with him.

I'm trying my best to avoid you and you still want me to play virtual golf? Like that's gonna happen...

"Come on, one round? I can teach you?"

Well, fuck. You think I don't know how to play golf? And you think I'm that stupid to fall for the old 'let me show you' move? Please...

"No thanks. I really don't feel too well. But please, play... I'll watch."

Yes, go play with yourself...

Pete noiselessly sat down on the coach beside me, his eyes warm and open. I smiled gently, but tried to not look too friendly. I had to keep my distance. Last night all the proof I needed to know that Thanatos was beyond serious.

"Do you need an aspirin or something?"

"Oh, I'm fine, but thank you."

Chris frowned. Why was Pete getting a smile? How can he get so close to me without my shoulders tensing up?

All very good questions, Chris. The answer is simple; you're a Death spawn. A Death spawn, but without the intelligence and the sex appeal.

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