(7)The Cardinal Sin

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"Cras alius dies est, Mortis possessionem..."

The Cardinal Sin

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The Cardinal Sin

I woke up with a few questions immediately running through my head.

What time was it and for how long had I slept? I couldn't remember dreaming anything specific, and yet... Yet it felt like I had dreamt.

I checked my watch; it was nearly two in the morning. I'd slept for about two hours then, but it felt like I'd barely had any rest. My eyes were tired and puffy and I do remember falling asleep rather quickly. I was out like a light. My mind had switched off and the black of the night muddled together.

I frowned into the darkness. It was deadly quiet- oddly so. There was something in the air. I felt the hair at the back of my neck stand up with an anxious uneasiness. 

I'd fallen asleep in front of the couch, but now, as I lay here on my back, I was completely comfortable? I tested the water, so to speak. My finger slid over the surface I was laying on.


My tired eyes popped open.

The texture felt new and smooth; it was luxurious. I tried to lift my head up, but failed miserably. It was heavy with leftover sleep. I twisted my neck and groaned- it was stiff. The pillow-

Pillow? Bed. I'm on a bed.


I immediately jolted up in the big bed. My head twisted around and my eyes grew twice their size. My breath hitched with a startled gasp. I fell asleep on a couch! How the hell did I get here?

Where is 'here'?

My blue eyes moved from one side to the other, slowly I examined the dark room. I could feel the soft angelic texture beneath my hands. It was so delicate and the purest of black. My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness of the unfamiliar room.

There was no doubt that this was not the living room where I'd fallen asleep. This bedroom had to be on the second floor. I could see the treetops outside; rustling in the cold wind of the growing storm. A branch scrapped against the glass window, creating an eerie and horrible scratching sound. 

The rotten furniture was the same, but the sheet was brand new. I eyed the door with dread; it was creaked open and streaming in a new level of darkness into the already ghostly room.

Someone put me in here?

Someone strong.

My weight was too heavy for one average sized person to carry me up the long flight of crooked stairs without waking me up in the process. Unless I was carried by more than one person. That would make the process quicker and less disturbing, allowing me to sleep through it? Maybe...

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