(12)Sorrow-filled Vermilion Coast

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"Was it selfish to ask for a redo?"

"Was it selfish to ask for a redo?"

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Sorrow-filled Vermilion coast

"The coroner says the cause of death was a severe loss of blood."

No, the cause of Death is me.

Trita held the local newspaper in her hands, her eyes red and tired. No one slept last night. I didn't dare close my eyes for longer than a minute in fear that he might show up; a big and proud smirk upon his face. Sonya and Trita simply couldn't fall asleep, because they were too shaken up. We were the last people to see Tom alive.

Sonya extended her hand towards the paper. Trita took another quick scan and slowly handed it over. Sonya took it by the side and placed it in front of her on the white marble table; her frown immediately deepening as she read the headline, which covered the entire front page in bold, black letters.

"Young man bleeds himself to death. How pathetic..." Sonya furrowed her brows and didn't bother to keep the disgusted expression from her beautiful face. Her green eyes dimmed with worry.

"His poor parents..." She said; her voice soft. Typical of Sonya to think about those left behind. My mind was too focused on unfortunate Tom and how it was my fucking fault that he was laying in a hospital freezer somewhere.

I unconsciously tapped my long, nude nails against the counter. Trita gradually put her hand on top of mine, causing me to jump in my seat.

"Sorry..." I whispered, not making eye contact. Trita pulled her mouth up at the corners, but you couldn't call that a smile. It was far from happy.

"What else does it say?" I asked; my voice unrecognisable. It was thick with stress and exhaustion.

Sonya read another sentence before she slowly replied; "Apparently, they're not sure whether or not it was an accident or if he did it on purpose."

I scoffed. "Tom was full of life and he looked happy. Why would he commit suicide?"

Trita sighed, her arms folded on the marble counter and her hair wild and uncombed. She looked down and spoke with a dry voice; "Sometimes the most depressed people are the ones who laugh the most."

I nodded. Yes, I've heard that before, but I had enough sense to know that Thanatos was the cause of this ridiculous and unnecessary ordeal.

What the hell is he thinking?

So what if he was flirting with me? It's not like we were about sleep together! I knew maybe I was partly to blame, but Thanatos had taken things way to far! Killing a young man in cold blood and possibly ruining the poor guy's reputation by making him out to be suicidal. Just because he was over-friendly.

Sick bastard!

"I don't buy it. Someone murdered him." And I knew exactly who, but the police won't exactly believe me.

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