(11)Rosy Candle Light

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"I knew they knew it too. I don't know how, but I knew."

Rosy Candle Light

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Rosy Candle Light

The candle light flickered with a warm glow.

Trita's face exploded into a grin and a cheery laugh escaped her lips, causing a few heads to turn to our table. My eyes shifted to the silly blonde next to me. Sonya continued with her ridiculous story about Brian, a boy she used to date a few years back.

We all remembered him. Ol' Brian; the school slacker. His hair was so red, it made eyes burn and his smile was so crooked, it made teacher's cry. Oh, yeah... Brian was a real trouble-maker. Totally out of the ordinary for Sonya, but hey- at least she tried to make it work. Though, there's no mistaking it never would've lasted. He was just a plain nuisance and she was getting sick and tired of his pranks. So she broke it off.

I can't remember how we'd even gotten on the topic of exes, but my laughter wasn't forced like before. 

"Poor guy never knew what hit him..." Trita said as she took a sip of her red wine. The wine glass reflected beautifully in the dark light and the bloody colour gave me a small chill. It reminded me too much of a certain garnet gemstone attached to a specific black cloak. 

We were running a little late for our reservation, because Trita couldn't find her shoes, but eventually we made it just in time before our table was given away to another group. I fiddled with my silver ring- even though I was more relaxed now, the unexpected meeting with Thanatos a few hours before still lingered heavily in my mind.

I tried very hard to push his effect away and instead of fussing over his words, I tried to forget them completely. Like they were never spoken. "I thought he was pretty adorable."

Sonya shot me a glare and I chuckled coyly at her from the side. She knew I was just teasing her. Whenever we brought up the Brain story, Sonya tried very hard to change topics.

We'd never budge until she was thoroughly annoyed; like right now.

Her brows knotted together, but a small smile played on her pink lips. She couldn't stay angry for long. "'Adorable' my ass." She flicked her baby blue nails in my direction and cracked her tongue against the top of her mouth, clicking it. "Those are three months of my life I'll never get back."

I laughed and lifted my glass of iced white wine; "To old, 'what the hell was I thinking' boyfriends!"

Trita and Sonya lifted their glasses in agreement, "Amen!"

We eagerly took a sip and burst out laughing. Sonya blushed slightly at the noise we were making, but Trita and I simply smiled knowingly. The attention was something to admire. More to Trita than me, but I still appreciated a good stare or two. 

Well, not as much as I did before this afternoon.

Stay away from any other man. Do you understand?

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