(37)Auburn and Outlandish

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I absolutely love this song! And the lyrics fit so well with Aurora's thoughts on Thanatos! 

"I take one step
Then I take one backwards
I'm kinda curious oh no you got me already

In the beginning you succeed
But the way you move
It terrifies me
And you remind me of the things
That I don't need..."


"Here I got treated like a queen- it's too bad Thanatos was the king; and he didn't exactly support monogamy

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"Here I got treated like a queen- it's too bad Thanatos was the king; and he didn't exactly support monogamy."

Auburn and Outlandish

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Auburn and Outlandish

Two weeks passed by in a hurry; and while I was so focused on trying to fill my head with otherworldly spells and potions, learning the right route to my room whilst trying not to get too lost along the way, and subtly avoiding everyone in the palace- excluding Alexus- I'd actually rather enjoyed myself!

It was tough, I admit- dealing with the heavy feelings of longing for my own bed, my parents and my friends, but time passed so quickly here that I couldn't even keep track of all the happenings and new faces.

It was exciting, to say the least!

I tried phoning them as often as I could, but the underworld had no cellphone reception (as you can imagine), so the only time I really got a chance to talk to them was when Conrad left me alone to practice.

My parents were a bit gloomy from missing my presence in the big house, but all was well at home. My mother was busy organising a 21st birthday party for a girl who lives down our street, my father's roses were looking good and healthy after he'd tried a new fertiliser last week, and they were thinking of talking a short holiday to go camping next week. Just hearing all of that normality made me want to throw the phone down the stairs of Conrad's study.

I tried to keep in touch with Sonya and Trita as well, but our schedules conflicted most of the time, and the time-zones didn't help the situation. However, from what we'd spoken they were well and adjusting to university life fairly quickly. Trita joined the drama club in her free time while she studied teaching and Sonya was really enjoying her classes for nursing after she met a handsome pre-med student at the local campus hospital.

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