(34)Bribes, Burgundy and Bastards

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'Would this palace only behave like Thanatos? Beautiful, magical and mysterious, but cruel and merciless? I was afraid of the answer...'

Bribes, Burgundy and Bastards

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Bribes, Burgundy and Bastards

As I opened the, surprisingly light, door to my chamber- I stepped into a corridor crafted by the gods themselves. Shades of black and white flowered tiled mosaic walls with small cracks that allowed in the dim rays of light.

Patches of orange sun surrounded me

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Patches of orange sun surrounded me.

The walls were high and from the ceiling hung goblets of white fire, illuminating the hallway towards the inner room.

The corridor was built in sections, each separated by a pointed arch. The architecture style made me think of a mosque, which intern made me feel like I'd just stepped into a truly old and historic place.

I walked a short distance to the end of the beautifully crafted hallway and turned a sharp corner. I gasped in awe as my eyes gazed at the enormity of the room. "I could get lost in here..." I mumbled as I stepped close to the steps leading down to a plush carpet. My eyes travelled across the room as I tried to soak up everything I could see. The colours of the room were a serene mix of blues, greys, blacks, whites and greens.

To my left was a large grey sofa and couch, with a couple of comfortable-looking armchairs. A dark wooden desk stood in the corner; my pile of nauseating books stacked on top, waiting for me.

But I was too busy gaping at the swimming pool.

Yes, there was a swimming pool in my room.

My feet tapped against the cool, wooden floor as I sped to the edge of the clear pool. It wasn't very deep, and the edges were lined with blue and white mosaic tiles. I bent down to feel the water with my hand. It was cool, but not cold, and the smell of the water reminded me of fresh rain.

I looked up to find a white hammock over the edge of the pool on the other side. It had small tassels hanging from the sides and was tied to two ivy-covered, marble pillars. They were thin, but looked well-built. They reached all the way up to the high ceiling, and as I looked up, I noticed that there was a glass dome in the centre of my roof too, just like in the hall outside.

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