(31)Sour Strawberries

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I recommend listening to this song when you start reading :)
It's absolutely beautiful and really sets the mood.
Also- any Assassin's creed fans here? :D

"My body reacted to things I never thought I would

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"My body reacted to things I never thought I would..."

Sour Strawberries

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Sour Strawberries

Aurora's eyes began to flutter awake.

I grinned as a look of confusion etched itself onto her face. She was utterly adorable when she looked so groggy and bewildered.

"Good morning..." I meant it. It was a bloody fantastic morning, and the evidence to prove it was right there; on her neck and her shoulders.

A few light marks to remind her of last night; just in case she wanted to forget again.

Aurora mumbled something incoherent and sat up lazily in the big bed. "It's far too early to be smiling..." 

"It's eleven."

"What?" She attempted to jump out of bed; her eyes the size of plates, but I quickly intervened. I clasped a hand around her arm and her waist and hoisted her over me and onto the other side of the bed. 

She yelped in surprise and her arms momentarily stiffened.

"What are you doing? I need to get ready-" 

"You worry too much." I said as I threw a leg over hers and trapped her in my grasp by placing my arm onto her waist. The soft silky material of her dress sending shivers down my arms.

I remember its feel so mouth-wateringly well from last night.

My eyes glazed over and I could feel the blood surge to her cheeks as she gaped up at my face.

She was quite the sight...

Something down below hardened. I chuckled; "How did you sleep?" 

She paused. Her brows knotted in confusion. Aurora seemed momentarily confused and relieved, but quickly recovered and thoughtfully said; "Fine. Pretty good, actually..."

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