(40)The Sunrise Theory

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'He did that to me; made me think with everything else in my body but my head.'

The Sunrise theory

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The Sunrise theory

The sky was grey and misty, and my mood was just as sour as I stood on the balcony of my chamber.

Yesterday, I'd barged into Thanatos room to confront him, and then as usual it ended with me being seduced and letting him have his way with me. That really needed to stop...

I pouted whilst I rested my chin on my palm and stared out over the smooth, glass-like lake.

It irked me; the way he had so much control over me. But then again- I had equally as much control over him. I just had to figure out a way to use it to my advantage without myself getting caught in his web. Easier said than done- I had a feeling the one went hand-in-hand with the other.

I was a slave to Thanatos and he was a slave to me. There was no beating around the bush anymore. We were attracted to one another and no matter how badly we try and stay away- it just doesn't work.

Like yesterday- he told me he missed me, and I could feel my heart skip a beat. Somewhere deep down in the pits of my soul I'd wished he would say something like that to me, but never in a thousand years did I actually think he would. Not to mention the fact that I'd told him I'd missed him as well- now, that was just foolish of me!

Then again- he did that to me; made me think with everything else in my body but my head.

Oh, god, and how could I possibly think straight after that intoxicating stare? The way he kissed... The way he touched me... It was too much. Too electric.

I couldn't help but blush even now as I thought about it. To be frank, it was all I could think about yesterday afternoon, and last night, and this morning. The way his hard muscles felt under the tips of my fingers, the way he looked at me with those exhilarating eyes, the way he laid me down onto his bed and- No.

Let's try and think of something else- anything else!

I sighed absentmindedly.

The breeze was cool and the clouds appeared to be bubbling up from the horizon.

The reason why I was in such a foul mood this morning when Alexus came to wake me wasn't because I was still angry at Thanatos over the whole name incident. In fact, as idiotic as it may sound, I'd found the mere fact that he'd been struggling to rid his mind of me very thrilling, except for the teensy-weensy fact that he was with all of those women. The primary reason I was slightly miserable was because I was disappointed by the fact that he'd missed the chance to be with me the previous night by going off to meet with Hades instead.

I understood that he was a busy man- eh, god- but I'd just thought that one day, when I did invite him to keep me company one night, he would jump at the chance. I know it was foolish to think and a bit self-conceited, but playing hard to get was meant to deliver just that kind of response to any invitation.

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