(10)Silhouettes in the Sunset

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"Fighting did help and I'd continue until the very last breath left my lungs. Maybe even after that too..."

Silhouettes in the Sunset

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Silhouettes in the Sunset

A few days passed.

The waves never stopped crashing onto the white beach and the racket around us didn't die down until much later. I was all too grateful for the loud noise and the crowds of people in the beginning. Safety in numbers is what they always say. 

The blue ocean sparkled in the sun and the tides rode along with the surfers as they enthusiastically raced back to the shore, eager to catch the next 'big' one. Sonya's loud speaker blared hit after hit and the sound of classic and new beats filled our happy spot on the beach. Sonya kept her book close to her side, but she didn't get very far. The warmth was too inviting and she kept falling asleep under the big umbrella.

Trita tapped her foot and her fingers to the rhythm of the music and every now and then she glanced around, looking for prey. I shook my head at her efforts. She knew how to get what she wanted. I had a feeling I was going to lose our little bet. 

The sun sank a little further, but still shone brightly. There were a few clouds on the horizon; it looked like someone had taken a long roll of cotton and spread it across, laying it flat against the sky.

It had been three nights since Death and I'd met.  

My eyes kept darting to the sides with paranoia. I was still half-and-half expecting him to jump up from behind a rock and drag me down to the Underworld or whatever, but the past three days were rather uneventful. 

Did I dream that night? No... It was too real. The evidence was faded on my arms?

Whenever we arrived at our regular beach spot, I quickly stripped down to my bikini and ran for the ocean. Sonya and Trita were happy to see me smile again. If only they knew I was simply trying to hide my bruised body from them. If I laid on the beach too long in a long-sleeved shirt, they'd tell me to take it off to tan. No way was I doing that.

The marks had faded really quickly; much quicker than I thought they would, but it was too big of a risk still. I had no lies for those kinds of questions.

I dived into the water, the coldness taking me by surprise. My fever died down.

After my encounter with him, I'd been getting hot-flashes. They came and went as they pleased and at first I was really worried, but now, I just wanted them gone.

I'd decided to deal with all of this shit calmly- like I knew I could. It didn't help I cried or became depressed, but fighting did help and I'd continue until the very last breath left my lungs. Maybe even after that too...

I've always been a fighter, why stop now?

The sun was setting and I stopped a yawn from escaping my mouth. Time to head back to Sonya's house. I carefully stood up, dripping with salt water and shivered from the sudden cold breeze. 

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