(14)A Carmine Salute (Part 1)

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"Death is law..."

A Carmine Salute (Part 1)

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A Carmine Salute (Part 1)




Oh, and did I mention- fuck!

Argh... Bloody, bratty bitch!

What is wrong with her?

What's wrong with me?

Nothing! Absolutely nothingI'm the same conceited, psychopathic and ruthless asshole I've always had the pleasure of being, and yet Aurora- curse her damn name into the depths of Tartarus- was being so infuriating!

There were no other words for it. There is no other word for her.

Now I'm going to have to kill her.

Great... I was just starting to enjoy this little game of cat and mouse.

Who- on this shit-covered earth- throws a shampoo bottle at the god of death?
Who, I ask? Aurora, apparently. That's who.


Who knew she could hit so hard? If I wasn't so pissed off, I might find that attractive. Too bad she's thoroughly ruined my previous good mood. I let her slip through my fingers once again and for some damned reason, it wasn't entirely her fault. If I really wanted to, I could just wave my hand over the room and they'd all fall into a deep slumber- she would be mine for the taking. So then why in Gaia's name am I still torturing myself with these... games?

I'm losing my touch. I'm losing my touch. And now I'm mumbling in my head.

Great. Just great...

I let her slip back to them.

A shiver of disgust ran up my spine at the thought of those things in the living room. Little boys. Boys with a dirty mind and a taste for what's mine.

If they could realized just how easy it would be for me to break their scrawny, twig-like necks with a flick of my finger, they would stay very far away from Aurora. Very far.

I should've known the ginger girl was too obvious. I should've guessed she would figure it out. She was too observant for her own good. Her magic was there- hidden. It was alerting her to my presence; whispering to her when I was near. 

I assume I only had myself to blame. I should've taken the dark boy's image. She seems to fawn over him more than the others. I could've gotten much closer to her, which would've made escaping much harder.

Aurora's soft hair swished past my fingers just in time before I had the chance to catch them. She was faster than I'd estimated, which irked me. What else have I underestimated about her?

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