(22)Rosso Sognare (Part 2)

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Rosso Sognare (Part 2)

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Rosso Sognare (Part 2)

I'd bit her.

She was unconscious, because I'd bit her.


"What is going on here?"

And, of course, Conrad was standing behind me. Or rather fuming behind me. He really does have superb timing, doesn't he?

"Thanatos! Answer me!"

I stepped away from her lame body, my eyes wide with shock. She slowly slid down the wall- her lip busted open and her chin streaked with dried blood. I covered my mouth with my hand to wipe away any evidence of my impulsive act.

Conrad rushed to her side and caught her before she hit the ground. I just stood there, like a dazed fool. The heat of shame quickly engulfed me.

I felt like a teenager who'd been caught red-handed, fooling around with his girlfriend by his father. The look of fury and disappointment Conrad glared at me took my breath away. If I could blush easily, I would be red faced. I looked down and realized my arousal was very visible still.

I cringed and bit my lip; how did she do that? How did she make me go numb like that? Hastily, I looked down at Aurora's limp body. I felt like if I glanced away from her for too long, she'd disappear.

I did feel partially bad, I suppose, but what shocked me more than the fact that I felt any form of remorse at all, was the fact that I'd lost control that easily. She certainly had a strange influence over my impulses...

I was never good with guilt or regret, but as my eyes skimmed over her unconscious body, I felt it bubble up deep inside my stomach.

The monster inside of me licked his lips at the damage I'd caused. I'd tainted the little angel with my callous behaviour and recklessness. The dominant part of me wanted to shout 'Huzzah!' and chuckle maniacally, but it was held below the surface by another emotion.

She was tired and numb; and she was marked with my scent. Aurora's shoulder was growing purple from the dried blood and damaged skin where I'd bit into her. I could easily make out two small incisions in the side of her neck. Damned incisors- must they always interfere like this?

The monstrous side of me smiled with pleasure and satisfaction, but another part of me, a part I thought had left me a long time ago, felt immense remorse.

I hurt her. Badly.

After she tried to say thank you. After she tried to test her trust; or what little trust she had...

I watched with a mixture of horror and pride as Conrad picked up Aurora in his arms and pushed past me, nearly hurting himself in the process of bumping my shoulder to the side. He rushed her to his classroom, his worried mumbles fading down the hall.

I just stood there- unmoving.

I'd hurt her. Badly. And as death, shouldn't that fact merely wash over me like water? Instead, I felt it stick to me, like a slick glue. I'd seen the worst horrors of the world; I'd seen the worst things humanity could do to each other and others, but... Why did Aurora's pain cause me any form of pause?

The emptiness attacked me without warning. I felt a pang in my chest and the monster growled. My shadow, which had been delightfully watching events unfold from the safety of the dark corner, moved out of hiding. The sun had set and all the light was gone. Shadow moved to float beside me, its face confused by my shame.

All the light was gone.

She was gone and so was her trust. The smidgen of trust she could have had was all gone.

I've fucked things up on a new level.

Congratulations, you daft fool. Now it'll take even longer to get close to her...

But I shouldn't care about things like that. Didn't I like to take things, after all? I'd never before had to 'take' a woman by force; it wasn't in my nature, unlike most other gods, but when I took things I desired, they didn't mind in the slightest. Aurora did. I couldn't understand why she still fought against this obvious attraction we had. It was... irksome.

My shadow made a strange chirping sound and twitched its red orbs. I shook my head slowly and raised a thick eyebrow. An irritated sigh escaped my lips and I felt like this inconvenience was just ruining a good day. 

I still felt slightly out of breath and I was still very turned on, but I could feel this feeling of anguish creep into me. It blocked everything else.

My shadow made another chirping sound to get my attention.

"Go out hunting, or something..." My voice was soft and husky still, "Just do what you want." Keep part of me distracted.

My shadow looked at me with a confused expression, then looked down the hall to where Conrad's study was located.

"Go..." I growled and urged it on to leave me alone with my puzzling thoughts.

It gave me one last concerned glance and then scurried off into the night, looking for its next victim. The monster inside didn't feel any delight from the unexpected hunting opportunity, no; the monster was still too enticed and in a daze from Aurora's submission, and her moaning, and her grip, and her pain, and her lust, and her-


I need a distraction, I need to leave...

I balled my hands into fists and tried to control my breathing. After exhaling a few deep breaths and trying to rid my mouth of the taste of her, I slowly began to turn around to head towards Conrad's class room, but before I could convince myself that it was a good idea to see her and to persuade her that I'd made a horrible mistake- even though I'd be lying right to her face- and before I could convince myself that running away from this problem was spineless, an angry voice spoke; "We need to talk."

Conrad stood in the empty hall; his grey eyes flaring with anger and disappointment.


Rosso Sognare- Red dreaming (Italian, because we're in Italy!)

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Rosso Sognare- Red dreaming (Italian, because we're in Italy!)

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