(26)Cardinal Fix

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A slight warning in the beginning- some suggestive content.

A slight warning in the beginning- some suggestive content

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"Your master commands it..."

A Cardinal Fix

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A Cardinal Fix



"Oh, yes!"


"Ah, Death!"

My hand shot out and clamped over the girl's mouth.

"What did I say about talking?" My voice was hard and husky. The girl beneath me writhed in pleasure as I continued to thrust my hips. She wasn't too bothered with the murderous look I had in my eyes. I kept my hand firmly in place over her chatty mouth. 

If she shrieked one more time, I'd rip her head off.

I neared my climax as she came undone a few minutes before; her moans muffled into my palm. I kept my eyes closed as my breathing accelerated and I toppled over the edge, screaming- "Aurora!"

"Ah! Aurora!"

My body convulsed and once I was spent, I rolled over onto the cool, black, silk sheets. The girl- clearly exhausted- pouted at me from the side and made a whining sound, but my thoughts were elsewhere. My eyes focused to the ceiling, hoping the girl would get the hint and leave me to recuperate.

Just then a familiar figure strolled lazily into the spacious room. I mentally locked my joints and muscles. Murder jumped up into my mind. I just had the marble floor polished- blood would be such a step in the wrong direction.

"Another night and still no call..."

My eye twitched.

"I'm starting to think you don't care much for me, my love."

I rolled my eyes at the high ceiling. Her perfume wafted towards my nose- strong and rosy. "I don't."

Delilah's long auburn curls swayed against her hips as she helped the drained blonde from the bed. I closed my eyes hoping this time both of them would just disappear into thin air.

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