(36)Unforgiving Scarlet

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"The tea tasted like mint- so did his tongue..."

Unforgiving Scarlet

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Unforgiving Scarlet

The nightmares were back- doubly long and freighting.

I was lucky enough to avoid them the previous night- the night I spent in Thanatos arms and the night that shall henceforth never again be mentioned- for some unknown reason. Probably because Thanatos repels even the scariest of entities.

Swell guy...

But I wasn't as lucky after my horrible dinner date. It seems my nightmares had gotten angrier by my disappearance- or rather, it seemed like the strange woman was getting impatient.

She was there again- under that same tall tree, among the endless rows of lavender. Her bright green eyes caught me off guard at first; she seemed angry. I walked towards her, passing the large mirror which, for some reason, still didn't show my reflection. It sent a shiver up my spine.


At first I thought the wind had spoken, but then noticed that her lips had moved. Her voice was soft and airy- and so inhuman.

"Why what?"

"Why could I not reach you?"

I paused in front of her thin form. She was seated in front of the tree, her legs crossed and her eyes lifted up to meet mine. A scowl ran across her pretty face.

"I'm not sure, but... " I paused. Perhaps upsetting this ghost-like entity was a bad idea, but then again- if I could survive pissing off Death, I could probably stand up to her as well.

"Look..." I said as I sat down in front of her, my hands grazing the soft long grass; "These nightmares- they need to stop. I can't sleep at night and right now I need all the energy I can get."

She only stared.

I sighed and looked down to the grass; my mind searching for the right words.

"Who are you? Why are you here? What is all of this?" I gestured to the endless field behind me, but she only stared at me with vacant eyes.

"You're not sure..."

I pursed my lips as she ignored my words. She only stared at me from under her lashes. I moved closer.

"No, I don't know why, but I'm glad you couldn't reach me. These dreams- they scare me... You need to understand that I'm-"

"I need not understand anything!" With a sudden jolt, the woman sprang up from the grass and towered over me; her nostrils blazing.

She was oddly intimidating- her cat-like eyes full of calculation.

"You are only here because of me!"

"Where is 'here'?" I stood up and screamed back at her; my patience equally low. I'm not sure if it was the lack of sleep or food, or the fact that I wasn't one for being pushed around, but I took a step closer to her, showing her that I had no fear; "The last time we spoke you told me to be careful for someone close to me- did you mean you? Because these dreams are a plague! And I want them to stop!"

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