(27)The Cherry-Sway

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"Thanatos looked like the cat that caught the canary. Well, I'll be damned if I was anyone's canary..."

The Cherry-Sway

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The Cherry-Sway

It was the end of summer, and my last night at home before everything changed.

Conrad's tour had been about two weeks ago, and the last time I'd seen Thanatos was when he'd tried to rip open my throat in what I now know was the meditation room of the academy. My bags were packed and my goodbyes were said- well, most of them in any case.

Tomorrow morning, I would put on a big fake smile and bid my parents farewell and hope for their sake that Thanatos would leave them be. They weren't acting strange anymore, but they never remembered any black cat by the name of 'Mortem', nor any odd screaming matches coming from my room late at night. I suppose he made them forget everything. Just as well; I don't want them to worry for my sanity- or theirs...

Another goodbye I had to make was to Trita and Sonya, who hopefully after about three weeks of estranged conversations, would actually stop being angry with me (mainly Trita). I'd called Sonya earlier in the day to arrange for us to meet up before leaving to university tomorrow. Of course, they still had no idea that I wasn't going to attend the same university as them.

I picked up my phone and wallet, fixed a stray hair in front of the mirror and made my way down stairs. It was getting dark outside and the air was cool and crisp. Sonya said we could have a movie night at her house at around 7; and around 6 I was already making my way down to the living room. I knew I was early, but the anticipation of seeing my friends again was too much; not to mention my nerves were shot.

I could really use a strong drink right about now.

My parents sat in front of the television; dad watching the news and mom making a list of all the groceries she had to go buy tomorrow after work. I stood at the back of the couch, just staring at them. I was going to miss this- just being home, being around them and the people I love.

"Hey..." I said softly; they turned around to look up to me. My mother smiled; "Hey yourself... You look nice, where you off to?"

"Sonya's. We're having a movie night."

My dad spoke up, his eyes still glued to the sports report- "Ah, the teens having one last 'hoorah' before adulthood hits them in the face."

I rolled my eyes and laughed; "Nicely put, dad."

"Well, don't stay up too late, it looks like it might rain later and you don't want to drive all the way back here in a downpour."

"Relax, Denise." My father smirked at my mother from the side; "I'm sure Aurora will be fine. She's all grown up and off to university now."

"Hmm, yes, yes, but you're still my little baby."

I made a weird noise and flicked my tongue as my mother's soft hand patted the back of mine. My father just laughed and shook his head, while my mother winked at me from the couch.

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