(43)Bloody Intrusion (Part 1)

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"I was trying to seduce him- it was working."

Bloody Intrusion

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Bloody Intrusion

"You're suffocating me..."

"Deal with it."

His grip tightened around my waist and I could feel the last bit of oxygen being pressed out of my lungs.

Thanatos' face was buried in the back of my neck; his breathing soft and slow. His other arm was tucked under my neck and encircled around the front of my chest. Our legs were intertwined under the warm covers. This was absolute heaven.

Except for the lack of air...

"Okay, I'm officially dying of asphyxiation."

Thanatos sighed with annoyance and loosened his grip slightly. I sucked in a deep breath. I might've over exaggerated the sound to irritate him even further.


"Much... Now if you could only stop touching my boob we'd be making real progress."

Oh, did I forget to mention that?

Yes, his hand was tenderly caressing my chest; and causing a familiar fire to fill up inside my body; causing a swelling sensation to run up my legs and down my spine. I knew he had to stop, but at the same time I really didn't want him to. Why was being a 'good-girl' so hard?

"I'll think about it..."

I rolled my eyes.

It's not like he didn't have the whole morning to feel me up under the covers?

I woke up just a few minutes ago with his arms around me, his fingers playing across my chest and his nose nuzzled against the back of my neck. If felt incredible to wake up to the minty scent of him and the sound of his soft breathing, but that quickly vanished when I realised where his hand was resting.

Once a pervert; always a pervert.

"I'm serious, Thanatos."

His head lifted up from my neck; "Fine..." The large hand on my breast fell down to the silky sheets.

That was easy enough.

Suddenly, something strong gripped my butt cheek.

I gasped in shock and a knowing chuckle escaped Thanatos' mouth, causing his chest to vibrate against my back sending shivers down my arms.


"What? You said to take it off from your boob?"

"Yes, not place it on my ass!"

"You can't have it both ways, angel. It's either your boob or your butt. I don't really mind which one..." He emphasised his point by squeezing my cheek harder and softly caressing it; his fingertips leaving goosebumps and knots in my stomach as they went.

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