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The slim figure twitched its fingers and twirled its thumbs

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The slim figure twitched its fingers and twirled its thumbs.

The sky was black and grey; the stars dim in the dark, cloud-covered night. A pair of heavy-set footsteps echoed through the abandoned, hollow fortress.

"Did it work?"

"No." The slimmer figure said with an irritated tisk; "She's still alive."

A huff rang out and a gruff voice scoffed in disgust; "I thought you said she was an easy target..."

"Thanatos is the problem."

"I never liked him. He shows no respect."

The slim figure nodded and pulled down its hood before folding its arms. The night air was bitingly cold; it tore into the flesh- unforgiving.

"He's-" A throat cleared. The smaller figure contemplated the right words;
"He's got a slight obsession towards her. He might be in love? I'm not sure..."

"Love? You do realise who you're talking about?"

"Of course! I've known him long enough!"

The large figure clicked his tongue and eyed the smaller one; "Well, what do you suggest then?"

The cold breeze carried in the sound of rumbling thunder from the far distance.

"We observe them."

"And what good will that do the plan?"

"Perhaps we can get Aurora to help us. She's powerful."

The larger figure's eyes narrowed; "And so was Hecate, but she refused."

"But Aurora doesn't know right from wrong in this plane of the world. We could persuade her."

The dark, broad figure pursed its lips and tapped a hand against its chest. Metal clanged; "Don't get attached."

"Don't take me for a fool."

A loud, booming laugh echoed off the walls and the slim figure rolled its eyes as the other's chuckle died down.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you."

"Just keep your eyes open. They're investigating."

"Oh, I know." The tall figure smirked with pride.

The howl of a hungry wolf echoed through the night sky. The slim figure moved to leave, calling out over its shoulder to the broader shadow; "Oh, and by the way- next time you plan an assassination- let me know first."

The broad figure chuckled; "You just wait- soon we'll be the most powerful beings this world has ever seen!"

A crazed laugh echoed off the walls and into the deep, dark night.

The wolf howled again, but this time in fear.

The wolf howled again, but this time in fear

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And we're done ... for now ;)

Do you guys like my symbolism here?

The wolf is a reference to Thanatos (since he's been referenced as a wolf in a couple of chapters, especially in the beginning) and I added a few hints in here so you can try and guess who the antagonists are.

NEXT UPDATE- I will be updating next week sometime to just give more info on the sequel and other things, but other than that this book is 'completed'!

Thanks for all the love and please feel free to leave your comments and feedback!
Until next time... Xx

Official Instagram page- @thedawnseries

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