(32)Forget the Bad Blood

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"This underworld thing was going to need some getting used to..."

Forget the Bad Blood

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Forget the Bad Blood

I could still remember the exact moment I really began to worry.

We landed with a loud thud.

"I will honestly never get use to that..." I said as I clutched onto the Greek god of death's waist; my voice completely out of breath.

He chuckled in amusement at my obvious disorientation. I quickly realised that I was still holding onto him with a tight grip and swiftly let go. No one on Earth needed to feed Thanatos' ego.

Then again- we weren't on Earth anymore...

I looked around nervously.

"Welcome to the Underworld!" Thanatos exclaimed as he extended his hand whilst the other still held a large pile of my 'homework' for the day.

He looked absolutely giddy.

"Oh, we're going to have a lot of fun..."

I gulped.

Was it just my imagination or was there a hint of 'maniacal-laughter' on its way?

Thanatos grinned from ear to ear as I gaped at the scenery like a goldfish.


I know now that whatever I thought the underworld looked like inside my mind was very far from reality.

There were red dunes everywhere; as high as skyscrapers and they looked menacing in the orange and dark blue sky. The white-stoned pathway was lined with oozing fountains of steam and suddenly, before I had a chance to ask Thanatos any questions, the steam on my right turned to scorching hot fire.

A yelp escaped my lips and instinctively I reached out to Thanatos. I could hear him laugh.

"Relax, darling. It's just a geyser."

"Geysers don't do that!" I said as I pointed at the fire blowing up from the ground. Then, just as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone and replaced with steam.

"It's the underworld. How should I know? It's not like there's a visitor's brochure..."

He grabbed my hand just as I leaned in (not the best idea, I realise now) to examine the 'geyser' more closely.

"Come on, we have a boat to catch."

I stumbled behind him; still in awe at my surroundings. The air was humid, but not too hot. The sky looked like an endless sunset and there were grey and white clouds scattered everywhere- like someone had taken a rake and spaced them apart. I ripped my hand from Thanatos' grip and walked up beside him.

The pathway was made from, what seemed like, stones compressed together. It looked indestructible. Thanatos, with his black, floor-length cloak and hard leather outfit, seemed to fit in here very nicely. I, on the other hand, looked lost.

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