(14)A Carmine Salute (Part 2)

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A Carmine Salute (Part 2)

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A Carmine Salute (Part 2)

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Conrad's snide remark reached me before I emerged from the shadows. It was rather bothersome to think that he knew when I arrived. The element of surprise and the delightful taste of alarm were all but wasted on this man.

My blazing red eyes bore a hole through the old man's forehead. I was in no mood for his snark.

"Who rocked your crib?" The Archmage asked with a sarcastic undertone; his grey eyes were full of mockery. It was a wonder I hadn't killed him yet. We met a long time ago, when he'd just been elected as the new head of the magical council.

In the beginning of our peculiar acquaintance we could barely speak two words with one another before we'd end up storming off and screaming death threats. Now, the first thing that comes to mind when he lifts his snarky eyebrow like that is- 'Ugh... Why haven't I killed you yet?'

I consider that progress.

"Are you going to brood all over my Persian carpet or must I fetch some virgin gypsy to make you waggle your tongue?"

I bit back a hiss, but realized I needed his cooperation. That didn't happen often. Usually the tables were turned and Conrad was the one who needed my assistance. Whether it was to extract a particularly dangerous raw material for some or other potion, or to question my knowledge on ancient spells and once, he subtly hinted for me to remove a certain mage who was trying very hard to overthrow Conrad from his powerful title as Archmage.

We had a colorful history, to say the least...

I loosened my fists and blinked- breaking the deadly stare that was slowly but surely making the professor very uncomfortable. I pursed my lips into a pout and clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth. "Shut up, Conrad."

"Ah, it speaks..."

Slowly, I sauntered to the end of the brightly lit room and with one swift move, I pulled down the blinds, engulfing the small dome in a wave of afternoon darkness. My mind sighed in relief. "Bloody sun..."

"Yes, it's hot today, but I know you're not here to discuss the weather." Conrad seated himself behind his large wooden desk and took off his reading glasses. His beard was too bushy today; it irked me. How can any man live with that much facial hair- it's far to annoying.

Was the thought of letting Aurora slip really making me direct my anger at facial hair?

Good gods...

Misdirection of fury is one thing, but complete loss of sanity is another. I suppose it's payback for all the madness I've caused the human race for over... what? Four-thousand years?

That long, huh...

I seated myself on Conrad's large, plush divan and kicked my feet up. I placed my black combat boots on the end of the long couch and pulled my hood further down. Conrad just stared as I crossed my arms over my chest; keeping the sour pout in place.

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