(28)A Red hunger

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"The night has only just begun, my angel..."

A Red Hunger

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A Red Hunger

His grin was full of malice.

I gulped.

"Hmm..." He pretended to think about it, but I knew that he'd planned this all along. I wouldn't put it past him to have a written a list of conditions.

I impatiently tapped my fingers against the steering wheel.

"You will allow me to sleep with you."

"Fuck no!" I yelled. I don't really know why I was so surprised? Of course he'd say that! What a complete-

"I mean actually 'sleep'- not sexual intercourse, you prude."

I stopped my internal ranting to give him a skeptical and confused look. There were quite a few things I thought he's ask me to do- none of which were as 'innocent' as just sleeping together. I blushed at my confusion. 

Thanatos smirked and leaned in to whisper to my face; "Oh, I still get to touch you..."

My blush deepened. I hadn't thought of that.

"If I agree to this, then no touching. At all."

I could only imagine how painful it would be to sleep next to him in a bed- no touching- and having this electricity bounce back and forth, making me slowly go insane.

Thanatos narrowed his eyes at me. I wasn't about to allow him to be that close to me again- we all know how that ended. Although, the night he'd slept in the same bed as me, I was extremely comfortable and I slept better that night than I ever have, but I wasn't going to take a second chance at playing with fire. He was the god of death and he was bad to the bone. And clearly I had a small weakness for him.

So many times I'd experienced him switch his mood from gentle to cruel, and so many times I was the one who got hurt because he couldn't control his urges. I was not going to victimise myself again. No matter how much my friendship might need this little bit of help.

"No deal." Thanatos said as he glared at me from the opposite end of the car.

"Then I am not making a deal with the devil."

"Flattery will get you nowhere, angel. 'Touching' is part of the deal, or you're on your own."

I scoffed. "Fine. Like I said- I don't need your help."

I gripped the handle and swung open the door. The fresh air hit my lungs hard. I hadn't realised how stuffy it had gotten inside the car. It was all that sexual tension.

"Don't say I didn't warn you..." His voice got caught off half-way through as I slammed the door shut. The passenger door opened with a thud and the sound of boots clamped onto the ground. I was walking up to the front door as his voice said; "AV and WP..."

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