(24)Ruddy Minds

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"Trust a man who says he can irk Death, and isn't dead yet..."

Ruddy Minds

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Ruddy Minds

"Has Thanatos hurt you on any other occasion, Aurora? I realise leaving you in his care is- well- negligent, but I assure you no harm will come to you, so long as you obey his commands and-"

"His commands? You're joking right?" I raised my voice and an eyebrow with it. This man was making a joke, right? Thanatos- giving me commands? That'll be the day...

Conrad sighed inaudibly and nodded his head in silent agreement to my dilemma. I could see a war raging in his eyes. He was just an old man, set on some or other task, which he had no desire to follow- or rather, the rules of the task frustrated him.

"Please, in the very least try not to anger him." Conrad said, subtly pleading with me to see some reason. 

I was stubborn and I usually held my ground, but this was a situation I'd never been in, and strangely enough, you'd think I would fight doubly as hard to keep my side, but I could feel my guard slipping slowly. I wanted to get out of this situation mentally intact.

Or at least alive.

"I mustn't anger him?"

Although, my fears didn't stop me from getting the point across to Conrad, who now looked more serious than before.

"No, I don't think you understand, Conrad. I'm in danger around him! He's an animal, and he has absolutely no self-control. Since the moment we met, he's been sadistic, manipulative and not to mention he's threatened just about everyone I know."

"Sounds about right..." A ghost of a sad smile appeared on Conrad's lips, which only fed my anger from a flame to a fire.

"This isn't funny."

Conrad looked up from the floor and into my glaring eyes. I was being poised and calm, while I tried to reason with him, but underneath the facade, my body was burning with rage. I would never disadvantage myself just so I could keep Thanatos' temper under control. 

I'm not a mouse and Conrad clearly mistook me for exactly that.

The small dome was bathed in candlelight. It looked beautifully romantic, but that's a little inappropriate right now. Especially while the man seated across from me was probably triple my age.

Conrad remained quiet, his eyes wandering across my serious face. He was debating what route to take in order for me to see his point. Conrad was hoping I'd agree meekly and keep my mouth shut and listen. Little did he know...

I won't budge that easily.

"He has no conscience."

"Do you not think that if he had no conscience he would've acted like nothing was wrong?"

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