(42)A Carnelian Damsel

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"It felt right. This felt right. I could trust him. I knew that for a fact, but could I trust myself around him?"

 I knew that for a fact, but could I trust myself around him?"

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A Carnelian damsel

My lips were forceful and hungry.

I didn't bother to resist the urges anymore; I wanted her.

It was a deadly combination of too much wine, her mouth-watering, bare leg sticking out from under the fur blanket and all the repressed sexual tension building up inside of me since the first night I'd laid my eyes on her.

I had no self-control left to hold me back as I devoured her mouth and pushed myself onto her. Aurora, dazed and slightly surprised by the sudden change in events, mumbled my name, which only fuelled me on more.

This was dangerous- I couldn't remember how to stop.

I quickly grabbed her glass of sherry and my whiskey from her hands and placed them on the table behind her. Some sherry trickled onto her chest, but she was too tipsy to notice. I leaned my head down and opened my mouth. My tongue instinctively moved across her luscious chest, licking up the spilt liquor. I couldn't help myself as I trailed my tongue over the rise of her breasts.

I could feel myself harden.

Aurora moaned and clutched a fist into my hair. She threw her head back over the armrest and tugged me closer. There was no stopping now. I would never be able to...

"Moan for me again..." I said while I bit onto her collar bone and continued my assault on the swell of her breasts; leaving bite marks and bruises.

Aurora sucked in a breath and did as I asked; her moan was loud and full of pleasure- we were past the point of caring. I pressed myself against her and brought her bare leg up from over the edge of the couch. Roughly, I gripped her thigh in my hand and pushed it aside so I could position myself in between her legs.

A soft bell went off at the back of my mind- this wasn't right.

She was barely able to think straight, and I was going to let my first time with the women I've been chasing after for so long be on a couch?

No, this wasn't how I wanted it, but I just could bring myself to stop. The craving, the hunger, the lust- it was all too much!

"Say my name."

I groaned in rapture from her sultry voice. She was the devil in disguise!


How many times, while I was with those other women, did I think about this exact moment? How many times did I wish that they could just be her? How many times did I say her name, hoping it could make me forget that she was a thousand miles away from me?

Our hands moved with determination and our kissing became deep and possessive. I thrust my hips into hers, which sent waves of pleasure through my stomach and a racing shiver straight across my body. My hand dipped down from her thick hair to rest on the swell of her breast. She pushed her chest out, begging me to do what I so badly wanted to.

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