(35)The Blushing Game

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"I might've poked the dragon a tad too much..."

The Blushing game

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The Blushing game

Alexus left me with my muddled thoughts and cusses.

I still couldn't place her- she was extremely guarded towards me, and I assumed towards everyone, for that matter. Nevertheless, I felt a connection to her- like I could speak to her plainly, without restraint or fear that I might hurt her feelings. Unlike with Sonya, who was a sensitive soul, or Trita, who took everything personally and overreacted.

In no way was I bashing my dear and loyal friends, but I could see Alexus would offer me a different type of friendship. Perhaps one I needed now more than ever, in this strange time of lies and deception. A friend who would be frank no matter how painful the truth may be...

We understood each other- for now.

I still, however, felt she was hiding something.

But, right now, I had other things to worry about.

Like my dinner date with Death.

He will try to seduce you...

The thought of what Alexus had said left me fuming.

I nibbled on some of the food Opis and his staff had brought in for me to eat, but I'd quickly lost my fickle appetite. The food was delicious and there was plenty to go around, but the thought of sitting across Thanatos this evening made my stomach drop. I pushed the silver plates away.

I'd moved on to my bedroom, where Opis had taken the blue mysterious box he was carrying. I walked into the alcove, parting the thin drapes to the side. On the large bed was a beautiful powder blue dress. I gently picked it up from the bronze linen and held it up to the light of the chandelier. It was light in my hands and the material was a soft cotton blend. It was a halter neck and was fastened with two thin strings behind the neck.

I looked down to find silver bangles and jewels on the bed, and on the floor were a pair of grey strappy sandals. I placed the dress back onto the bed, careful not to wrinkle it, and picked up the white envelope next to the attire. A silver pattern ran across the borders. 'Aurora' was printed in gold on the front.

I carefully open the envelope, it was too beautiful to tear, but knowing who it was from made me less hesitant to be forceful.

The paper inside was thick and smooth. My eyes scanned the elegant handwriting-

'Dinner is at 7. Across the hall. I'll be waiting, eagerly...'

I sighed and sat down next to the dress.

There was no way getting out of this one...

There was no way getting out of this one

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