(5)Flamboyant Flame

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When a Greek god tells you to do something, you ask "Anything else?"...

When a Greek god tells you to do something, you ask "Anything else?"

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Flamboyant Flame

"So, you say you're a professional athlete?"

I rolled my eyes as Trita continued to flirt with the young man sitting beside her on the mahogany bench.

We were seated on the Deck restaurant's patio and the sun was starting to wane. We'd spent the entire day working on our tans, swimming like fish and flirting up a storm. Not that it helped much. I still didn't have a date, and it seemed Trita was about to score hers. I sighed and cupped my chin in my hand. 

If only I wasn't so picky, maybe then I'd have a solid headstart.

I watched as Sonya mimicked my pose and rested her elbows on the table. We smiled knowingly at each other. Hopefully this guy would agree to a date. It didn't matter if I lost, so long as I could go back to Sonya's vacation home and take a long, hot shower. My bikini bottom was full of sand and it was starting to get really uncomfortable.

Trita's forced giggle erupted next to my ear and I cringed away from the loud noise. "Oh! Stop! I bet you use that line a lot!"

She had no idea how right she was. Just then, out of nowhere, a large glass of sparkling soda was poured over the young man's dark head. He shot up with fury, but his angry expression swifty changed to pure guilt as he shifted his gaze to a pretty dark-haired girl. I lifted an eyebrow and pursed my lips. 

This was not going to end well...

"You jerk!"


The young girl shouted at the ashamed boy and slapped him square across the face. All of the people on the high-level patio turned their heads and stared. Trita shot up from her seat and pointed an accusing finger at the interruption. "Wait, that's your girlfriend?"

"I can explain-" He stammered an excuse, but Trita wasn't even listening. She picked up her glass of water and threw it right in the boy's face, making him yelp and run after his girlfriend. She too refused to give him any chance to explain. 

He continued to scream her name, hoping that by some miracle she'd actually turn around. She was already far ahead and storming down the steps leading to the beach, her ponytail bopping up and down like it too was full of fury.

I wiped the drops of water that had splattered onto me from my arm and stood up, signalling to the waitress for the bill. Trita just stood there, her nostrils flaring, while Sonya tried to calm her down. 

I swallowed hard as I noticed all the staring eyes. How wonderful...

The waitress quickly snapped out of her trance from watching the little scene and scurried behind the counter. I sighed and picked up my beach bag from the wooden floorboards. The towel was a little wet from the escaping water droplets, but at the moment that was the least of my worries. Sonya turned to pick up her bag and I walked up to the waitress, meeting her half way to our table. 

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