(23)Rosey Trance

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'Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is...'

Rosey Trance

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Rosey Trance

"We need to talk."

I sighed, my eyes fixed glaringly on the old man's angry glower.


He stood with his hands behind his back and a grim line on his lips.

"I'm listening..." I said with a dark voice, my patience for the wizard was growing dangerously thin. I was in no mood for a lecture. I knew I'd screwed up- he didn't have to remind me.

My eyes wanted to see Aurora and the damage I'd caused. For some strange reason, I felt like I deserved to be punished for being so reckless. Now, this was rather bizarre, because I'd never before felt the need to reprimand myself. I was raised as a prince who could have anything he wanted- why would I feel remorse for a mortal?

The darker side of me was still licking its lips with pleasure and I was pleased to say that it was still very much in charge. Alas, this odd feeling of guilt kept clawing through...

How annoying.

"Hades gave you specific orders." I could tell Conrad was trying very hard to keep his voice low and controlled. It sounded strained and slow. "I gave you specific orders."

"You do not have the right to give me any kind of an order, Conrad." My menacing tone was cold. His eyes flashed with anger, but mine were equally deadly.

"I hope you feel some sort of shame for your actions, you disrespectful wolf!"

I gritted my teeth as his voice grew louder. "Don't say something you'll soon come to regret, old man..."

"I regret many things in life, Thanatos, but insulting you will not be one of them."

For a few seconds the hall was deadly quiet as we glared at each other, my anger slowly growing in fervour while Conrad's fury began fading. It was replaced with deep concern for the young girl in his study.

I narrowed my eyes as he began to turn his back. I felt like I needed to justify my actions to him.

"She's just a human. Weak and useless. Gods and goddesses cannot die, Conrad; you know full-well Hecate can't be gone and this is all some ridiculous plan of Zeus. He's done something like this before; sending us all on errands to fulfil his deluded wishes."

Conrad's eyes stared at me with a look of calculation, but I continued on with harsh words; "Do not deceive yourself into thinking the gods care for her."

I turned to leave before my anger began could dictate my actions. "And do not for one second think that I have any form of shame, you fool."

With my scythe, I ripped open the air and the flecked-abyss appeared, silver flames dancing at its edges.

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