(43)Bloody Intrusion (Part 2)

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Bloody Intrusion (Part 2)

I was seated in Conrad's study when Alexus strolled in

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I was seated in Conrad's study when Alexus strolled in.

"There you are."

I looked up from the thick book and met her cool hazel eyes.

Not to be rude, but I was in no mood to talk to her right now, or anyone for that matter. My headache from all of last night's drinking had only kicked in a few hours ago and it was pretty.

I smiled dryly and slanted my eyes; maybe if she thought I was annoyed she'd take the hint to leave me alone. I had a feeling she really wanted to know what happened last night. I'd told her about Thanatos inviting me to dinner again- mainly because she practically forced it out of me.

I knew how much Alexus hated Thanatos, and since she was the only 'friend' I had in this huge palace, I didn't want to tell her what happened last night. She'd only think badly of me, and right now I needed all the friends I could get.

"Hey, were you looking for me?"

"I came by your room this morning but Opis said you were out?"

My shoulders tensed. Alexus didn't seem to notice as she pulled up a chair and came to sit next to me, examining my notes on the side of the table.

"Oh, yes, I got up early to go for a walk around the gardens before all the other girls woke up. I needed some fresh air."

"Something happen?"

"No, my room just felt a bit stuffy, that's all." I lied effortlessly. Was it bad that I was getting so good at it?

"So how was your second dinner with Thanatos? Let me guess, he tried to get you to sit on his lap and feed him dessert?"

Gosh, he really does sound like an awful man, doesn't he? But then why whenever someone said his name did my heart speed up and my insides twist with anticipation?

I laughed lazily; "Something like that, but I quickly shot him down. I don't think he'll be a bother anymore."

Quickly shot him down?

Aurora, you practically sneaked into his bed and let him feel you up! And then you almost let him- Okay, you know what... Let's not think about that right now.

"I admire you, Aurora, not many girls could do what you do. Especially since you're feeling lonely and vulnerable. You're an easy target for men like him."

"Well, let's just hope he got the message..." I smiled tightly and quickly looked around the desk to change the topic; "Can you maybe help me with this one spell? I've been trying to do it all afternoon, but there's something about it that I just can't seem to get right?"

I handed her a piece of paper with my notes. Alexus examined the page and pursed her lips; "It must be your pronunciation. Most mages struggle with the 'Mens Murum' spell."

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