(38)Bordeaux Touch

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"Why was it that whenever we got too close to each other our brains would switch off?"

"Why was it that whenever we got too close to each other our brains would switch off?"

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Bordeaux Touch

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

I looked up from my thick book. Aurora's face was full of rage and her hands were clenched into fists at her sides.


"Don't be smart with me, you bastard!"

I sighed loudly as she moved around my brown, leather armchair to glare at me. I slowly put the book down on the dark table next to me and folded my hands across my lap.

"So polite of you to barge into my room..."

"Thanatos, I don't give a flying rat's ass about being 'polite' to you."

"Good. The feeling is mutual."

We glared at each other; neither making a move to blink.

It had been 1 week, 6 days and 18 hours since I last spoke to her and gods- did it feel good to see those blue eyes! Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail and her thin dress was a beautiful teal, it brightened up her eyes and complimented her tanned complexion. I kept my hungry eyes on her face, but it wasn't without difficulty. My hands ached to roam her body once again.

I'd kept my distance these past few days; keeping my eye on her just to ensure her safety and to make sure she had everything she wanted. But my hurt pride and slowly fading anger kept me from keeping her company.

Ever since that night I'd told her to leave I'd felt guilty, and a strange sensation of shame. It was only natural for her to be angry and for her to feel humiliated. After all, I treated her like she meant something to me, and after discovering the painful truth of this place, she reacted like any other women who'd accidently let her guard down when she thought she was safe.

The only problem was- she did mean something to me.

I had no idea what, but she meant something big- and being away from her for the past week, 6 days and 18 hours made my mind foggy and my breathing shallow.

I... missed... her? Is that how you say it? Miss? I'm not entirely sure.

'Longing' sounded better. I longed for her voice, I longed for her succulent scent, and I longed for her presence. I had a craving for her lips and her touches, I wanted to experience her wit, and I couldn't help but yearn for her laughter.

"Why would you humiliate me like this?" Her voice was soft and I could hear the hurt in her voice. My bones ached.

"I'm not sure what I managed to do this time around..."

"You defiled my name, Thanatos! You turned me into a walking target!"

I froze suddenly; her words catching me off guard. I had a feeling I knew exactly what she was talking about- and who to blame for letting that little secret slip.

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