(45)Pomegranate Pips(Part 2)

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Recap of Part 1: 

The musty smell of dusty paper filled my nose; "Samaria... That's a beautiful name. What does it mean?"

I waited for her reply.

She was quiet.

Perhaps she got sidetracked...


I turned around, my eyes still glued to the folder in my hands. I heard a panicky mumbling noise and my eyes shot up.

Samaria was being held by something that I could only describe as a walking corpse.

A shot of panic swept through me as I caught the sight of a sharp blade at the base of her throat; her mouth was covered by a withering, gray hand.

I dropped the file.

"Finis venit."

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Pomegranate Pips (Part 2)

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Pomegranate Pips (Part 2)

The corpse's voice was rough, like sandpaper- I shivered and moved slowly to the side- careful not to make any sudden movements.

'The end has come.'

It was Latin.

Well, that's not what you want to hear on a sunny Wednesday morning...

I moved with caution as a pair of dead-like glowing eyes followed my every twitch. Samaria's wide and scared eyes followed my steps. She didn't bother to struggle- the blade was already delicately slicing at her throat.

"Let her go." I said as I lifted my hands to indicate to the thing that I wasn't armed.

"Tempus fugit memento mori."

I exhaled a shaky breath.

Remember that you must die...

"Let her go, and I'll come willingly."

The dark figure made a frightening screeching sound; those dead eyes full of precision.

I halted my steps.

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