(8)Bloody Truth

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"Reality was nothing anymore and nothing was my reality... "

Bloody Truth

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Bloody Truth

"Wakey, wakey!"

"Ugh... No..." My lips were chapped as I moaned and groaned in protest as a bright, blinding light shattered my mortifying sleep. A glass screen cracked inside my mind and the headache came charging towards my temples.

I was dead tired.

Trita chuckled from somewhere above me; "Someone had a rough night! Come on sleeping beauty."

I slapped away Trita's hand as she tried to push me off the very uncomfortable, thin sleeping bag with her foot.

"Unlike you," She pointed an accusing finger down at me, "I slept like a rock! I swear this place is awesome. I literally didn't wake up once."

"Aurora." Sonya's muffled voice filled my ears and she gave me a stern look, but it had no real effect. Mainly because of the foaming toothbrush in her froth covered mouth, and also because I was in no mood to do anything but rest. It felt like a heavy load was placed upon my shoulders. I don't remember ever feeling so stressed and worn out like I did at that very moment.

My eyes were trying to stay open, but they shut as soon as Sonya glanced away.

"Just leave me..." I mumbled and buried my face in the pillow. A memory triggered in my brain.

Leave me...

The sentence sounded like a tune I'd kept hearing over and over in my head. It made me feel ill.


"Aurora, come on." I momentarily forgot about Sonya trying to pull me up from the floor. Her one hand was holding onto the couch behind me and the other was tugging me up by my arm. I groaned, all my energy was gone. What the hell is wrong with me? I feel drugged up...

"Stop playing." She laughed, clearly thinking that I just didn't want to get up and ready for the day just yet.

"Can't I just sleep a bit longer?"

"You slept for at least ten hours... I'm sure you're good to go." She laughed.

I'm pretty sure I was not good to go.

In fact, I think I haven't slept at all. Though, I have no memory of being awake.

"Stop being dramatic, Aurora." Trita chuckled as my lame body sluggishly resisted Sonya's playful tugging, "That's my specialty."

My temples continued to protest in their pulsating, annoying way.

"My parent's phoned. We need to leave." Sonya's hand moved to my upper arms and she tugged a little softer, afraid she was going to hurt me.

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