(21)Coercing Coral Rivers

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"I had no regrets either, but that didn't mean I had no shame..."

Coercing Coral Rivers

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Coercing Coral Rivers...

"Wake up, angel..."

My eyes opened with effort. It was light. Lighter than before, but somehow darker than I'd expected.

It was morning.

Thanatos had closed the blinds and curtains, creating a cozy, yet stuffy atmosphere. It had been his voice calling me awake, not that of the mystery woman who'd taken my breath away with one simple stare.


I blinked. My eyes opened more until my vision wasn't as blurry, but the confusion remained, keeping me tense and rigid. 

Was that really only a dream? It felt like so much more... Is she related to me somehow? Was she human? Why didn't I have a reflection in those tall mirrors and how did I experience everything with such vibrancy? Most importantly- did I really spend the night in Death's arms?

And if that was true- what the in the hell is wrong with me?

"What-" I quickly slapped away any hand or face that was within a foot of my body and sat straight up in the bed. 

I knew he was next to me. My body could sense his. I waited for the inevitable protests.

Nothing came. 

Instead, there was silence; except for the sea breeze blowing in through the white curtains. Some birds chirped softly outside my balcony and a few cars drove past on the main road along the beach, flaring their engines.

Thanatos, however, said nothing. Eventually, a large tanned hand placed itself next to mine on the white bed sheet. My hands were placed on either side of my hips and my head was directed to the front. I refused to show my sudden fear and self-loathing, but it was so difficult to manage with this creature sitting behind me. 

I felt like his eyes were burning a hole through my head and I had no excuse as to why I'd allowed him to hold me through the night. I had no regrets either, but that didn't mean I had no shame.

His hand was warm, but not as warm as his breath that tickled my neck as he pushed up behind me and pressed his chest to my back. He gently steered his mouth to my right ear and whispered something I hadn't expected in a million years- "Good morning..."

I laughed.

Yes, laughed.

Thanatos' voice was like honey and I would've been less surprised if he'd said that he had a pet ferret by name of twinkle-toes, but 'good morning'? That just didn't fit with what I felt.

I couldn't handle the awkward tension that seemingly only I felt. So I jumped up from the high bed and walked towards the balcony, my hands on my hips. I needed space. I needed advice that made sense. The air around me was stuffy.

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