(33)My Fire, My Fury

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Just want to notify  you that the last couple of chapters may contain a few more images than normal, mainly because I'm a visual person and I've added the media to spark your imagination- just to see what I see :D

BTW- this song is PERFECTION.

"He made it sound like I had a choice

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"He made it sound like I had a choice."

My Fire, My Fury

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My Fire, My Fury

"Welcome." Thanatos said as he extended his arms to display the massively large palace.

It took some time for me to close my mouth, but as soon as I did, a hand gripped mine and started hulling me off closer to the grand fortress. My eyes were glued to the breath-taking structure. It was more beautiful and impressive than anything my mind could've conjured up- and I was going to have the honour of living in it!

I felt a tad guilty at the profound excitement I suddenly felt. I'd promised Conrad that I would find a way to escape, or at least I'd try my best, but looking at all of this- I'm not sure I wanted to anymore...

Everything in the underworld looked like it had been built by giants (and maybe it was, what do I know?), but as soon as you got closer to the structures, small, intricate details began to appear. The palace was built from an almost luminescent stone, and small delicate Greek-styled patterns were carved into its edges and borders.

From the other side of the palace I could make out a glassy flat surface that reflected the orangey-hues of the sky. It was a large lake, and at its edge- in the far horizon- lay a sea of trees so thick that they appeared black.

We stepped onto a broad, blackened-stone bridge that ran up to the grand entrance of the fortress. The double doors stood wide open and I couldn't image them ever being able to close. They appeared far too heavy and you'd probably need at least ten three-headed dogs to try and budge it.

At the thought of Cerberus I unconsciously turned my head to glance behind me; scared an angry 2000 year-old dog might pop up just like Bloody-Mary in a mirror.

I do realise I am indeed losing my mind, but let's not dwell on that right now...

Thanatos was leading me towards the entrance with haste; which made me wonder what exactly he had planned once I was inside. My stomach made a twist. What if he was completely different inside there?

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