(45)Pomegranate Pips (Part 1)

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"I'm no phantom, but if you'll be beauty, I can be your beast..."

Pomegranate Pips

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Pomegranate Pips

"I agree with Aurora, I think it's wiser to keep this between the necessary parties." Thanatos said curtly.

Conrad shook his head slightly; "The gods have a right to know what's happening."

"And the main ones do; but we don't need the whole of Olympus to know just yet. It'll only cause a commotion, and not to mention make it much harder for us to find the killer."

"Thanatos is right- surprisingly..." I spoke up from my seat on the couch; "We need to keep this private, Conrad. If we go around telling everyone we're on the lookout for a murderer, we lose the element of surprise, which is exactly what the killer had to get this far."

Conrad sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Thanatos looked at me with a lifted eyebrow. He was standing in the darkest corner of the disorganised study; his back leaning against the mahogany desk with his one foot crossed over the other and his arms folded across his chest.

He looked pretty good in those hard leather pants.

Whoops... Where were we with this conversation?

"Yes, yes... Alright, I understand. I won't tell a soul."

Oh, right. Gods and serial killers...

"Only a small group of us know." Thanatos said from the side as Conrad placed his hands on the table in front of him to think. Thanatos Kept his calculating eyes low;

"Us, the three brothers; Zeus, Hades and Poseidon and Hermes knows because he's the one who found Hecate's body. Persephone knows because- well, it's Persephone. She wriggled it out of Hades. And of course Hera knows."

"Because she's the queen of the gods?" I asked as I crossed my legs on the comfortable sofa.

"No, because Zeus can't keep any kind of a secret from her."

I nodded my head. I suppose all the myths about Zeus' infidelity and Hera's jealousy were true. There was so much I still needed to learn.

"What about the other Archmages?" Conrad asked as he gathered some papers.

"We'll talk to them soon enough- when we have more evidence and clarity. We also wouldn't want to unknowingly tell the killer about our plans."

"And you're sure you're not the killer?" Conrad asked as he lifted a sketchy brow up at Thanatos.

The Greek god chuckled and shot the old wizard a steely stare; "How highly you think of me..."

"Just checking. Sometimes the most obvious suspect is the right one."

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