(16)Hell is a Cherry Red

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"No clouds were visible; just tall, sharp mountains threatening to crack the sky..."

Hell is a Cherry Red

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Hell is a Cherry Red

I've perfected my plan.

In due time, everything will be mine. In translation; Aurora will be mine.

After paying my darling angel's parents a quick visit, I was off to the Underworld.

I'd ripped a large tear in the air and watched as the flecked abyss opened up in front of me. I glided through; my shadow following with glee into the darkness. The faint hint of burnt matches filled the cold space. Soon my shadow was nothing but a memory as it camouflaged perfectly into the deep, black void.

The darkness was soon engulfed by an eerie smoke as I appeared at my destination.

The Underworld was particularly lovely today.

The heat from the flames scorched along the white stoned path to the docks. A soft sandy beach led up to the docks and the red dunes in the distance were higher than any on Earth. As I stepped onto the dark wooden platform, away from the flames, the freezing cold wind blew past my cloak and whipped it to the side.

I gently took off my hood and extended my hand to the waiting figure on the docks. He was always here; waiting. Always ready somehow.

Charon took the gold coins and weighted them in his palm, his eyes never leaving mine. His glowing yellow orbs were the only visible features on his face. The rest was always covered by his deep purple hood. His face has been consumed by darkness for the past five-thousand years. Maybe even longer.

He nodded.

He never spoke.

I watched patiently as he stepped aside and let me pass. I walked to the end of the dock and carefully stepped onto the boat, my black boots heavy with each step.

I quickly sat down and waited for him to take the rod. As we made our way down the river Styx, I carefully rethought my strategy to get more information out of Hades this time around. The man was like Medusa; one wrong remark and his glare makes you regret ever being born. Or created- or whatever...

Charon kept to himself, as usual. The wind died down slowly as we ventured further into the pits of hell. The cold was replaced with a comforting warmth and the river's dark green faded to a beautiful turquoise. Hades was so cruel, making the entrance of the Underworld appear so dreadfully ominous and then changing it along the way to a beautiful, eerie new world.

Mortals never lacked in confusion and amazement here, and of course there's plenty of fear- delicious, delectable fear.

The banks of the river were filled with thousands of different species of flowers, but mostly different coloured lavender plants and small pine trees. The sky was a dark purple and the horizon was flecked with gold and bronze stars. No clouds were visible; just tall, sharp mountains threatening to crack the sky.

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