(41)Garnet Wine and Familiar Yearning

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"Two things I couldn't say no to; a good glass of expensive alcohol and a fine-ass Greek god..."

Garnet wine and familiar yearning

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Garnet wine and familiar yearning

I walked into the large chamber's hall.

It looked nearly the same as I remembered it from my last visit. Wide flaming chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, the fireplace crackled with a roaring fire piled high with wood and the flooring was a bronze tile polished so thoroughly I could see my own reflection as clear as day. The back of the chamber was closed off with a large glass panel that overlooked part of the lake and the high dunes from the desert.

The only things that were missing were the long dining table and the mountains of delectable food and drinks.

I bit my bottom lip- did Thanatos forget about dinner?

Just as I wanted to retreat back to my own chamber and kick myself for being so foolish, a voice spoke up from the side door- "You look ravishing..."

I turned to where Thanatos stood in the large doorway that led to his room.

I felt my fingers prick with expectation... and my new-found magic. Earlier today, the council had assisted me in retrieving my ancestral magic; which had bonded itself to my emotions. The process was relatively quick and painless, but I could tell the council members had just performed a great task- the exhaustion displayed clearly in their hanging shoulders.

For me, however, the aftermath was shockingly invigorating...

It was like a bolt of lightning had hit me, but there was no pain- just pure ecstasy. It wasn't something I could explain- the feeling had been wearing off slowly ever since the council performed the spell and diverted my magic, but the bliss and the buzz of power still flowed through my body.

I could feel it vibrate from my finger tips down to my toes, and it wasn't something I wanted to ever forget.

"Thank you." I smiled shyly, but tried to keep my eyes locked onto his.

Opis had mentioned earlier that his lord had asked him to add more shades of blue and green to my closet, so perhaps that would be the best option for tonight. I gladly obliged- I couldn't help but feel indebted to Thanatos; and I knew that's exactly what he wanted...

I folded my hands behind my back and let his eyes roam my figure. I was dressed in a dark green, floor-length, cotton gown, with a high slit that travelled up till my lower thigh. The gown was tight against my waist and chest, and probably showed far too much cleavage. I could see why Thanatos had it picked out for me.

The straps were thicker than usual and rested on my upper arms, creating a goddess-like effect. I had my hair up in a messy, high ponytail with strands falling on either side of my cheeks and at the back of my neck. I tried to keep my jewellery to a minimal- just a few simple silver bands on my fingers and a pair of dainty chain earrings.

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