(30)A Plea in Crimson

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"You're even more delicious than I could possibly imagine..."

A Plea in Crimson

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A Plea in Crimson

When we arrived home late at night, my parents were fast asleep. All the lights in the house were off and as I looked up at the dark flight of stairs, my stomach knotted with angst. My bedroom was a few seconds away. Tonight I was sleeping in the same bed as the devil himself- and touching was contractually required...

Thanatos was behind me- standing like some kind of king; his legs apart and his shoulders broad and proud. With a few heavy steps he passed by me and continued up the stairs. It looked so high.

"Come, Aurora."

My eyes shifted from the top step to his eyes as he stood in the middle of the stairs. He looked tired. Could gods sleep? I never really did see him sleep when he was lying next to me a few weeks ago. It didn't bother me at the time, but tonight I silently prayed that he would fall into a deep slumber; so as to spare me some shame.

"You need to sleep away those dark circles." His lips twitched on the one side, but there was no sparkle in his eyes. He appeared cold; almost masked.

I didn't bother to respond with a snarky remark; I didn't exactly feel like talking. I lowered my eyes to the step in front of me and sighed inaudibly.

About time I took that first step.

About time I took that first step

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We were in bed.

It was- weird.

I lay stiff; like a board. Not really knowing what to do in this situation. I've never been with a boy- um, well- man like this before. Yes, Thanatos had crept into bed with me a few weeks ago, but at that time it was impulsive. This time however; 'touching' could mean just about anything. And it wasn't just to be permitted, but mandatory.

That night he didn't try anything- well; that I know off- but tonight I had a feeling things were going to be different. If anything was abundantly clear it was the fact that Thanatos wasn't exactly patient. I was tense- naturally- but I also couldn't ignore the fluttering coming from my stomach. If he could make me moan with only his mouth- what else could he do? What could his hands do? His body?

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