(19)Torn up in Red wine

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"You didn't win, my dear. I'm just taking a new course in this little conquest..."

Torn up in Red wine

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Torn up in Red wine

I nearly paced a hole in my room until finally deciding to go take a bath.

Risky, I know, but I currently couldn't see how terribly worse my situation could get. That or I was being exceptionally stupid and ignored the screaming voices inside my head yelling at me to lock myself in my room and never leave.

Honestly, I was just so set on this new plan of staying calm that I really couldn't give a crap any longer.

So in retrospect my plan was working- complete calm and zero-fucks-given do sound kind of the same.

The bathwater was scorching hot and I was mildly surprised Thanatos hadn't appeared yet in a puff of smoke with a small, black towel lightly wrapped around his hips. Surprised, and regrettably a bit disappointed, if I must admit.

The man might be a psychopath, but I couldn't lie to myself. If I start ignoring my own emotions and my basic instincts, I'm only setting myself up for a defeat. He made my head fuzzy, my insides blush and my blood boil- in both a good way and a bad way. 

Yes, I definitely deny it, because the truth had slapped me across the face far too many times in the past week- I was ridiculously attracted to the god of death.

I should stop thinking like this. If Thanatos hears these thoughts; he'll take them as an open invitation to barge in and-

I felt my cheeks heat up as the naughty image played over in my head.

I cleared my throat.



I sunk deeper into the hot water, hoping the boiling liquid would burn away my dirty thoughts of the smug cat on my dining room chair. Enjoying my dinner.

I wanted to believe that the reason why Thanatos hadn't sneaked into the bathroom yet, was because he was afraid of getting hit by another shampoo bottle. 

Yeah, let me entertain that thought for a moment while I try not to think of all the creative ways he's probably spying on me right now- and enjoying it.

I must've spent at least two hours in the bathroom- bathing, brushing my teeth, moisturising every patch of skin (twice) just to stall time. I stepped out into my dark room, my bare, pruned feet tapping softly against the cold tile, and looked down the open balcony to where the driveway was. 

All of lights in the house were off. My parents were in their room; reading in bed most probably. My father had work tomorrow and no doubt my mother had some clients to meet.

I turned slowly back to my room as the cool breeze played with my damp hair. A crease formed on my forehead while my eyes scanned the dark streets, wondering where he was hiding, but when my eyes landed on my bed, I wasn't all that surprised by the answer.

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