(44)Sweet Vermilion Dreams

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"I felt powerful; and it was about time I used it."

Sweet Vermilion Dreams

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Sweet Vermilion Dreams

My mind was restless that night.

The nightmares were back- and more eerie than most nights. The hollow pairs of yellow eyes didn't chase me, but only followed close by. A familiar female's voice kept whispering incantations- over and over. Some I understood, some I didn't.

But mostly I tried to block it out.

Thanatos still hadn't returned from Hades when I had gotten back from Donata. It was dark and the moon was bright and full. I didn't understand how I could even see the moon, considering this was the underworld, but I figured the gods could manage anything if they really wanted to.

Opis drew me a bath and pushed a silver trolley of assorted food into the large room as I rummaged through my notes.

He was slowly becoming my favourite person.

"You really know what makes me tick..."

Opis smiled and scoffed in amusement; "My dear, it is my utmost pleasure. It's not often my lord brings home such a fine, respectable young lady."

I frowned. I didn't like to be compared to the rest of them.

"Yes, well 'my lord' has interesting taste."

"I think it's improved." Opis winked and strolled back to the double doors. I blushed.

I'd stuffed my face with a wide arrangement of delicacies and the sweetest desserts. I couldn't care less about the fact that it probably wasn't the best idea to eat my body weight in ice-cream.

Afterwards I took a long, relaxing bath- but my mind kept racing back to him, and his cocky grin.

I thought about his arms, his red eyes; the way he licked his lips when he was absent-mindedly thinking about something or the way his voice dropped low and husky when he was being seductive. The way he glared when he was angry and how hot that made my skin feel. Then I began to think of his hands, and soon enough I found my own fingers touching me, wishing it were his.

It was a temporary release, but how long before I would only settle for the real thing?

The bed was cold.

Unlike last night, his body wasn't next to mine to set it on fire.

I fell asleep fairly quickly, but that only meant the yellow eyes returned just as promptly. The planes of my mind stretched on into a deep, dark space and the eerie woman's voice rang out with a shrill cry; 'Stay in view!'

I began to run.

There was no real reason to- nothing was chasing me, but something was following my every move. I ran to get away from her hammering echo. It followed me across the dry plane like a shadow. I ran, never feeling the ache of my lungs or the burning sensation in my legs. I knew it was a dream, but nothing I thought woke me from my sprint.

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