(17)Sour Raspberries

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"What's another little lie in a stew of so many?"

"What's another little lie in a stew of so many?"

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Sour Raspberry

The car was quiet.

For an entire hour, the car was deadly quiet.

I didn't even bother to turn on the radio. I felt like the silence was my punishment; the result of my stupid choice that somehow played out far better in my head. 

Go figure.

The engine purred as the road came to a sharp turn and the car's wheels glided over the tar. I'd taken my metallic blue convertible, leaving Trita stranded in Seagull's Valley until she could organise a lift back to Caneyville. My stomach lurched as my mind wandered to her disappointed face.

I hadn't slept a wink the previous night, and when the clock struck five, I was out of bed, sorting the final few things for the road. Sonya watched me from the bed. Trita never turned in my direction the entire night and even in the early morning, as I packed the last few things, her sleeping figure was sending out waves of anger. 

I didn't bother waking her up, or even writing a goodbye letter. She'd tear it up anyway.

Somehow Trita's anger matched my own. I was so disappointed in myself for running. I hated feeling this defenceless. I was not the type of person to run from a problem, but how else could I deal with this... this thing? 

I was trapped; and when animals were trapped, they run. I was no braver than a mouse and I loathed it with every fiber of my being. At least mice had a chance of escaping a hungry cat- death was something no one escaped from.

Sonya helped me pack the car in the dark morning mist. Her warm hug was her way of saying that she wasn't mad, just worried. I appreciated her kindness and need to comfort me. She didn't want me to leave, but she knew it was something that had to be done. There was no turning back from this mess I'd made. 

Sonya said she'd cover for me with her parents- make up some excuse about a family crisis. I hugged her; the last thing I wanted was for her parents to think badly of me. Sonya waved goodbye as I drove out of the drive way.

It was only 6:15.

The cool wind blew my hair into a ruffled mess and the chill sent goosebumps across my flesh. The off-the-shoulder sweater I wore, to subtly hide the healing bruises on my arms, made no effort to comfort me against the chill. I refused to close the window. The fresh air helped me think.

Time passed surprisingly quickly.

I was a few kilometres away from Caneyville and I could spot the heavy fog rise up over the old harbor town as I neared. I suppose I'd driven a bit faster than I should've. I knew I'd have to lie to my mom about the time I left Seagull's Valley; otherwise she'd have a heart-attack knowing how fast I was going.

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