(25)The lost Scarlet

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'Thanatos was like a spoiled brat. As soon as you told him that he can't do something- he wants to do it even more than before...'

The lost Scarlet

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The lost Scarlet

I arrived home to find my parents busy with work. It was a hot, summer's day, but a thick, brooding layer of fog lingered on the horizon.

My mother was busy phoning caterers; apparently there was a problem for one of her upcoming events. My father was scanning property contracts in his study, while listening to a Bach classic. The television was turned down a bit and announcing the latest sport updates.

If only my brain would stop chanting 'necromancy, necromancy, necromancy'...

It felt like my mind was a saturated sponge. I tried to absorb everything I could that Conrad had said to me, but slowly I could feel the drops of information slip out. It was too much to deal with right now.

After checking on my parents, and scanning the entire house and yard for that evil fur-ball (who luckily couldn't be found lurking anywhere), I ran up to my room to sift through my thoughts.

Unfortunately, I didn't make it too far. A few hours later, I woke up lying stiffly in my bed with a raging headache and my parents fussing around me. They tried stuffing a deep bowl of hot soup and a bottle of water down my throat. Our house doctor's thermometer was placed firmly under my tongue.

I'd fainted in front of my bedroom door.

My parents were concerned and worried, but I honestly wasn't that shocked by the news. I was just a little surprised that the last forty-eight hours weren't a nightmare. I couldn't help but wish my parents or the old doctor would slip some sleeping tablets into my soup.

No such luck.

A week passed

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A week passed.

No 'magical accidents'. No strange seagulls. No smirking cats and most importantly, no Thanatos.

Neither of my parents bothered to ask after the small tear in my lip or even the deep punctures in my neck. Mainly because they apparently didn't notice it and thought I was still a bit dazed from falling with my head against the floor after my fainting fit.

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