Where'd you go

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Hearing that someone would've never known what was going on in someone else's life kills me. It kills me because, what if I had just asked? Would you have told me?

I don't really think you would've. I should've though. What if that was the thing that kept you here.

I want to know where you went. I can't relax my mind for long enough to not ask what I could've done.

I find myself staring off into space, thinking about rehearsals. I remember everything. I remember. I just didn't read between the lines.

Thanks for always making sure I had my rings. Or at least got them to me if I didn't. It means the world.

A brother like you comes around once every.... never. You are one of a kind. I wish I could tell you all this in person. You deserve to know how much you mean to everyone.

I miss you.

Je ti'ame.

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