Sharper Than A Knife

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*This was lowkey sad to write. But it was in my drafts, so here you guys go! The next one will be happy and smutty for the readers who prefer that lol. I'll admit I felt really out of practice while writing this*

Summary: BTS disbanded. Everyone went their separate ways. They are all living their life. Two were officially together. Others were still living the bachelor life. One of them even took up a lost and long-forgotten passion. Jimin was the only one left stagnant. He was left grasping for the past that would never return. On a love that he buried deep in his heart. The present and the future were all that was left.

Tags: Angst. Angst with a happy ending. Hopeful ending. Some Fluff. Sappy. Tears. Kissing. Hugs. Love Confession. Hurt/Comfort. Group Disbandment. Loneliness. Park Jimin Centric. Sad Park Jimin. Lonely Park Jimin. Oblivious Park Jimin. Oblivious Jeon Jungkook. Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi are married. Actor Kim Seokjin. They are both big dummies. The BTS members aren't trying to be mean, they are just busy.


Jimin tightened his grip on the umbrella. The harsh rain drowned out the sound of his heart beating erratically.

"I can't sunshine." Yoongi hyung whispered. At least he tried to, but Jimin heard it. His heart hurt even more if that was possible. Could a heart hurt this much without it being a heart issue?

The rain slid off the black surface of his umbrella and splashed severely around Jimin. A perfect circle of dryness separated him from his two past band members.

"Me? know it's hard for me too. Jimin is too sensitive." Hoseok didn't whisper any better. They must have thought the rain fully masked their voices.

Was he sensitive? His heart and soul wept a resounding yes.

Jimin's left coat pocket weighed a ton. Inside were a total of seven tickets to a movie that they once watched together. That felt like a lifetime ago when in truth that was five years ago. The black-haired dancer had thought...they could watch it again like old times. A little reunion after five years of their official disbandment.

They weighed so much inside his pockets. Why were they trying to drag him down to the unforgiving concrete? It was merely seven small pieces of white and black glossy paper. His knees quivered, his legs trembled, and his ankles threatened to snap. It took him quite a lengthy time to get the tickets for the limited one-day showing film in South Korea. Jimin was determined to get them. They were almost instantly sold out, but the singer was no quitter. He spared no expense and time to get each of his friends one. They all had to be there or it wouldn't be a true get-together.

Yoongi shoved Hoseok a little to the front. The raincoat he wore did its job of safeguarding him from the continuous droplets of water. The sunshine of the group smiled gently at Jimin, but you could see the tightness around his eyes if you knew where to look. After years in a group side by side, the younger one of the present three knew precisely where to look.

Hoseok's light brown hair swayed scarcely underneath his sandy-colored hood and he squared his shoulders in resolution. Yoongi was hiding behind him and only heavily bleached blond hair could be seen. The petite dancer gave a huge warm smile despite hearing their earlier murmuring. He was too optimistic to fixate on that.

"Jiminie...well you see...Yoongi and I have plans already. Something we have been planning for weeks. We genuinely can't cancel, but we wish we could. It's been so long and we do miss you." The brown-haired older dancer said so sweetly and honestly that Jimin believed him.

It didn't make his heart ache any less. It was the anniversary of BTS. June 13 was a special day. They used to constantly be together for it. This would be the fifth time in a row that everyone couldn't make it. Last year, it had solely been Taehyung and Jimin. Jimin wondered if the silver-haired man would make it again, someone else, or perhaps no one.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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